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Israeli Arabs in Custody in Connection to ISIS Cell in Northern Israel

1Gag order lifted: Seven northern Israeli residents were taken into custody as they were organizing an ISIS cell that was to carry out terror attacks in Israel.

The investigation was headed by Israel Police’s 433 Unit along with the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet). The suspects in custody are residents of Yafia, Nazareth and Furdis. They allegedly contacted Israeli citizens who are in Syria and are fighting for ISIS, encouraging them to continue training towards achieving a level of proficiency to carry out terror attacks in Israel.

A pistol was recovered during the investigation that was used by three of the defendants during training in preparation for attacks. Cell members gathered intelligence information pertaining to the IDF base near Migdal HaEmek and police stations in the city. They planned to hurl a firebomb at a police car that is stationed at the entrance to the city. They told interrogators about their plans to target stores in Nazareth and Yafia because these stores sell alcoholic drinks, which is forbidden according to Islam.

Charges against them include unlawful association, contact with a foreign agent, arms trafficking, weapons violations and concpiracy to commit a crime. The suspects range in age from 20-35 including Ahmed Ahmed, 26, a Nazareth resident serving a life sentence for the 2009 murder of taxi driver Yafim Weinstein.

The others include:

1. Ahmed Machajana, 20 from Yafia

2. Muhmad Sharif, 22, from Nazareth

3. Muhmad Jazala, 23, from Yafia

4. Ibrahim Aljuabra, 35, from Furdis

5. Ali Aljuabra, 32, from Furdis

6. Bahah Aldin Na’arin, 22, from Yafia

Indictments were handed down on Thursday 18 Tishrei in the Nazareth Magistrate and District Courts.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photo: ISA Spokesman)

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