House Dem Leader: Shut Down GOP-Led Benghazi Committee

bgaThe Democratic leader in the House says the committee investigating the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya is “unethical” and called on Republicans to shut down the panel.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California made the comments on Thursday amid the fallout from Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s suggestion that the committee can take credit for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton’s diminished public standing.

Pelosi questioned whether the panel violates House rules forbidding spending taxpayer dollars for political purposes.

The committee has been investigating the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. Clinton was secretary of state at the time and is scheduled to testify this month.

Clinton said McCarthy’s comments show the panel was meant to be a “partisan political exercise.”


3 Responses

  1. Typical Liberal hypocrite. Pelosi didn’t say the same thing when the Democrats went after the evil Jew, Scooter Libby!

  2. That is what committees do. That is what they have always done. When the party controlling a chamber is the same as the president, they are charged with protected the administration and when the opposition is in control, they are in charge of exposing the administration.

    In general, when members of one party call the other party something nasty, that is not newsworthy as that is what they always do (e.g. do news aggregators report that the sun rose today in the east, or that the Hudson River is flowing into the Atlantic – if the sun were to rise in the west, or the Hudson would switch to flowing into the Great Lakes, that would be news)

  3. Everyone in Washington knew that the only purpose of these investigations was to try to unfairly slander Hillary Clinton even though there was nothing that they could pin on her. The problem is that the next Speaker of the House has now admitted it.

    The difference between Clinton and Libby is that Clinton did nothing wrong and Libby is a convicted felon.

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