Warning to Store Owners: Credit card fraud alert over Sukkos Holiday

peicreditcardfraud[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] 

While tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews sat in their Sukkah, an important change took place. On October 1st, credit card companies started making YOUR BUSINESS responsible for chargebacks from many fraudulent transactions. Thieves with fraudulent cards are targeting stores that are not EMV ready and you are at risk! If your credit card terminal is not 100% ready to process the secure EMV chips being issued by all major credit card companies, you may not be reimbursed for chargebacks. Even if your terminal has an EMV slot, you are not protected unless the terminal forces cards with EMV chips to use the new chip reader instead of the magnetic strip.

An EMV chip is the new security feature on all new credit cards. If your credit card terminal is ready for EMV, cards with an EMV chip will be prompted to “dip” the card into the chip reader slot. Otherwise, you are at risk right now.

Fidelity Payment Services is trusted by thousands of merchants in our community and is offering FREE EMV terminals which will instantly protect you. Get your FREE EMV credit card terminal by clicking here.

One Response

  1. I read that even with the chop a charge card can be stolen and copied. The cooks have found a way to scan the chip even in a Persons wallet

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