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Boruch Hashem Many Children Were Born in Eretz Yisrael on Yom Kippur

mtoYom Kippur is generally accompanied by many childbirths in Israel and this year was not an exception.

· Officials at the Nahariya Hospital report there were 13 births during Yom Kippur including six boys and seven girls. One birth occurred enroute to the hospital.

· In Jerusalem, 26 children were born in both Hadassah Hospitals; Mount Scopus and Ein Kerem.

· Poriah Hospital in Tiveria reports 12 births.

· Soroka Hospital in Beersheva reports 37 births.

· HaEmek Hospital in Afula reports 5 births.

· Yosef Tal Hospital in Eilat reports 2 births.

· Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital reports 54 births.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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