For The Second Year, Thousands Around the World Inspired to Growth and Reflection


YOM HADIN: WHAT DID YOU DO TO ENSURE YOURSELF A GMAR CHASIMAH TOVA? The holy day of Yom Kippur is upon us, and it is a time of reflection and introspection on the previous year; the areas in which we have grown, and the areas in which we would like to see more improvement in the coming year.

The reality of today’s world is one in which we live with so much activity and distraction, it is sometimes hard to pause and reflect on the way in which we perform our mitzvos. And yet, because of all of these distractions, the necessity for introspection and reflection is that much greater. We cannot grow complacent and fool ourselves into thinking that all is fine and will continue to be okay. As the Mesilas Yesharim explains that that one who doesn’t make a reckoning, is compared to a blind person walking on the river bank—a situation in which he is in emanate danger. So too, we must have a self-awareness of where we are heading, so one does not fall into the abyss of spiritual decline.


To help implement this mindset along with its vital steps of growth, an amazing tool was created by Rabbi Yosef  Churba  Menahel  of  Yeshivat  Magen  Abraham , that has guided thousands in their quest for self-improvement and transformation of their interpersonal and spiritual lives. The LUACH NO’AM HAYAMIM” which means calendar infusing sweetness into the days, is a Pocket-Sized Daily Guide in which one can rate themselves daily in a variety of areas of their Avodas Hashem, allowing one to truly maintain an account of their growth in the areas that are crucial to living a Torah life. This guide has been reviewed and endorsed by numerous Rabbanim and Mechanchim.

Indeed, this initiative has caught fire. People throughout the world have grabbed this opportunity which allows for the sweetness that comes from the ability to measure ones’ growth—which in turn spurs them on to even greater levels of growth. The calendar creates for oneself a seder to their hectic lives, with an infusion of mussar that is critical to the life of a torah jew, in an organized seder of cheshbon.

In these exalted moments, lock in your Teshuvah reslutions and let 5776 be the year that you will witness your spiritual growth like never before—bringing true and lasting happiness and satisfaction to you and your family.

To Order your 2 volume comprehensive calendar for a fee of 10.00 Please text your name and address to 347-231-3838  or email [email protected]


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