Muslim Group Condemns Carson Comment, Calls for Repudiation

bcahe nation’s largest Muslim advocacy group says lawmakers from across the political spectrum should repudiate Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s comments that the Islamic faith is inconsistent with the Constitution and that he would not agree with a Muslim being elected president.

Ibrahim Hooper is a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations and says the Constitution expressly prohibits a religious test to qualify for elected office.

Hooper says Carson’s comments show he is not qualified for the presidency because he cannot hold such views about a religion and at the same time say he will represent Americans of all faiths and backgrounds.

Carson said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he would advocate that voters not put a Muslim in charge of the United States.


10 Responses

  1. Where is the Kenyan in the White House to defend Mr. Carson’s free speech? He very well knows that they are criticizing Mr. Carson only because he is black. Carson, like Obama, are not allowed to be criticized because of their skin color. Hillary has got to be careful here. If she opens her mouth against Carson, she will be a RACIST.
    Oops, what am I saying? Carson is a Evil “Republican” so he is fare game.

  2. 1. The American constitution clearly prohibits a “religious test” for any federal office. This is the clause in 1787 that set the United States apart from the rest of the Christian world (even if it was another 50 years before the states granted Jews full civil rights).

    2. Some Muslims (consider Ayaan Hirsi Ali who would still call herself a Muslim) are not chauvanist racist anti-Semites who consider world conquest to be a religious duty. If a Muslim were to seek higher office he/she would have to, as John Kennedy did when confronted with opposition to a “papist” as president, clearly state their views on politics are not governed by Islamic law and theology, or to define that law and theology in a way that is acceptable to Americans (which of course, would cause most Muslim to see that person as a heretic worthy of death).

    2. In response to #2: In what way does the American constituiton state anything that is contrary to the Torah regulations governing what a non-Jewish malchus can do, unless you object to the many restrictions on the government (e.g. a malchus can declare anyone opposed to its policy a mored and kill them – US law prohibits that – are you saying that Torah requries to round up Obama’s critics and execute them?). The constitution neither requires the government to do anything that Torah prohibits a goysha king from doing, nor does it prohibit anything that Torah requires a goysha king to do.

  3. Anyone who is a muslim can NOT be president if he is truly a muslim, as it is the religious duty of EVERY muslim, according to the KHORAN, to turn the whole world into a DAR-AL-ISLAM, or house of islam, those who do not YASTASLIMOUN, or submit to islam, have to be killed, though temporary, before islam conquers the entire world, may live as second class citizens and pay a tax. The entire defenition of Islam, in Arabic, is submission. The submission of all KAFIR. infidels. A Muslim CAN NOT, NOT be trusted to state that he agrees with americas values, because the Koran commands TAQIYYA, or lying and deciet, to conquer the KAFIR

  4. As with all Americans, Dr. Carson is free to have his opinions. Nevertheless, in this and other instances, Dr. Carson has displayed that he is badly enough misinformed about the Constitution as to make him unfit to be President. His comments in the debate about meeting America’s mortal enemies with “intelligent dialogue” rather than force merely adds to Dr. Carson’s unfitness.

  5. mr magoo:

    Actually there are many views in Islamic thought that have no problem living peacefully in a non-Islamic state. Any Muslim seeking office would have to clearly embrace such views, which would make many other Muslims (though notg all so many in the United States) quite annoyed to the point of assasination.

    There are some Shomer Shabbos Jews who believe it is a mitzva to drive all Palestinians out of Israel by any means necessary (i.e. “ethnic cleansing”, also known as “genocide”). That does not mean that all religious Jews hold this way (though admittedly, most secular Jews believe that is the case)

    Also, Wikipedia is highly unreliable when it comes to a controversial topic. Anyone can “plant” an article in it, and since the articles are unsigned you have no way of knowing who wrote it.

  6. “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

    From US Constitution, Article VI.

    It appears that the views that are inconsistent with the Constitution are Carson’s.

  7. “the consititution is not consistent with the torah”

    This is correct! The Constitution permits even a polytheist to become President of the US. A lot of Orthodox Jews voted for a polytheist in the last US Presidential election.

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