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Photo Essay: Yidden in Williamsburg Doing Kapparos (Photos By JDN)

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One Response

  1. Is it significant that the overwhelming majority of the photos show kids holding the chickens? Since when did this become such a foundation of Torah observance that non-barmitzva age kids have to be in the vanguard? I am one of those who is strongly in favor of maintaining this minhag, but I think that so many kids appearing to be “playing around with live chickens” gives ammunition to our opponents who would like to shut down chicken kapporos. BTW, same problem here in Yerushalayim. We should be striving to eliminate the “carnival” atmosphere that surrounds this holy custom and make it appear as serious as it really is. Because false appearances here is helping fuel opposition to chicken kapporos both in E.Y. and in the U.S.

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