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Clinton ‘Appalled’ by Muslim Comment at Trump Campaign Event

Hillary Clinton testifiesDemocratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday she was “appalled” that Republican rival Donald Trump declined to correct a questioner at a recent town hall meeting who incorrectly claimed President Barack Obama is Muslim.

Clinton told reporters that Trump and anyone seeking the White House should “start behaving like a president, to show respect and to stand up for truth.”

“He knew or he should have known that what that man was asking was not only way out of bounds, it was untrue and he should have from the beginning repudiated that kind of rhetoric,” Clinton said following a town hall meeting at the University of New Hampshire.

Clinton has repeatedly sought to contrast her leadership style with the Republican billionaire, who has built a lead in GOP primary polls and attracted large crowds to his rallies. Trump did not dispute the man’s comments at the Thursday night town hall meeting in New Hampshire and said he had heard others raise the issue previously.

“If that person had been at my event I would have called him out on it,” Clinton said. “Not only is it out of place and wrong, it is totally factually untrue and quit impugning the integrity of the president.”

The Democratic presidential candidate declined to speak specifically about the debate performance of Republican Carly Fiorina, who confronted Trump during the televised event over comments he had made about Fiorina’s appearance. But she said all of the top Republican candidates on the debate stage supported “defunding Planned Parenthood and I vigorously disagree with that position.”

Clinton spoke at a town hall meeting at the University of New Hampshire to outline her campaign’s $350 billion plan to make college more affordable and reduce the burden of student debt. It aims to reduce the cost of four-year public schools, make two-year community colleges tuition-free based on a similar proposal by President Barack Obama and cut student loan rates.

She made no mention of her Democratic rivals like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders but said Republicans had “taken aim” at higher education and sought to cut aid to make school more affordable to young people.

She also signaled plans to confront the “for-profit” college industry, “who have been preying on our young veterans. It’s outrageous what some of these places have done — they entice young veterans to join and then it’s a fraud. We’re going to crack down on that.”

When a reporter asked Clinton how students should assess her college affordability plan compared with Sanders’ version, the former secretary of state said hers was “more comprehensive” at reducing costs and emphasized paying down student debt.

Sanders’ $70 billion annual proposal would eliminate tuition and fees for students attending public universities and would be funded by imposing a tax on transactions by hedge funds, investment houses and other Wall Street firms.


12 Responses

  1. So “Muslim” is to her an insult?
    What’s the big deal saying I believe his faith is Islam? Especially when he really sounds like it. Read his last statement on Ramadan, and more…

  2. Hey there Mrs Blabber mouth. When you Protest the action of the Clown In Chief and the way he talks down to Israel and Bibi Then you can open your mouth. Tell the sitting Muslim clown to act like a president.

  3. “Clinton told reporters that Trump and anyone seeking the White House should “start behaving like a president, to show respect and to stand up for truth.””

    Is Clinton the right person to be telling people top say the truth? Practice what you preach.

  4. Eh darling, what’s wrong with being a Muslim? You make it sound like it was an insult to call Barak HUSSEIN Obama a Muslim. Sounds to me like he’s very proud of his heritage.

  5. She is so full of Marlkey

    Donald is in titled to his opinions.
    Just Like that
    Hick goy Kim Davis can say Same person to person marrage is agnest her believes.
    Donald has his beliefs

  6. 1. Trump was not wrong for not silencing someone who spoke the truth.
    2. Hillary Clinton is just about the last person who should lecture anyone about “behaving like a President.”

  7. And you know what? I’m sure he is a Muslim. He grew up in a Muslim country and went to a muslim school. Why should n’t he be a muslim? And actions certainly speak louder than words. He sure acts like a Muslim.

  8. As well, Islamic theology holds that a child of a Muslim father is…a Muslim. For this reason, whatever it is that he personally feels and practices is not relevant here.

  9. Bwahaha, what a joke, considering she accused him of the same thing! She was the one who tweeted a picture of him in Muslim getup in 2008.

  10. What happened with Hillary telling the truth. We never get the truth from her. At least Trump tells it like it is. Tell Hillary to go back to her email server and try to erase it again.

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