Halachically Speaking – Reciting One Hundred Berochos Daily

HalachicallyThe obligation to recite one hundred berochos daily is very relevant to our daily lives. Many schools have adopted programs to teach children all about this mitzvah. What is this mitzvah? When was it instituted, by whom and for what reason? Is this a d’Oraisa, d’rabbanan, or simply a nice thing to do? Are women obligated? What about children? What are the one hundred berochos that we say every day? What about Shabbos and other times of the year?  Is the night considered part of the following day? All these and other issues will be addressed in this very fascinating topic of one hundred berochos.


The Gemora[1] says that a person is obligated to recite one hundred berochos a day. This is derived from the posuk[2] which says, “What (ma)[3] does Hashem want from you?” We read the word ma as meah – one hundred.[4] Some posit that the reason for using this posuk is that the entire posuk has one hundred letters (actually ninety-nine).[5]

The Shulchan Aruch[6] rules that one is obligated to recite at least one hundred berochos every day. Most poskim maintain that Dovid Hamelech established this concept (see below),[7] while others maintain that it was originated by Moshe Rabbeinu. It was forgotten, and Dovid Hamelech reinstated it.[8]

D’Oraisa or D’rabbanan or Nice Thing

There is a discussion in the poskim if this halacha is a d’Oraisa, d’rabbanan or simply a nice thing to do.[9] Some poskim posit that it is a d’Oraisa,[10] while most poskim say that it is a d’rabbanan.[11] Some poskim do say that it is a pious act, but is not required.[12] This is implied from the fact that the Gemora[13] praises a person who ate fruits to fulfill the one hundred daily berochos. This would indicate that it is not obligatory.


There are many reasons given for this halacha.[14] Some base it on the following event. During the time of Dovid Hamelech, a terrible plague caused the death of one hundred people every day. Through ruach hakodesh, Dovid Hamelech understood the reason for the outbreak,[15] and established this halacha to recite one hundred berochos every day. As a result, the deaths stopped.[16] The Levush[17] says that the people at that time did not see the good of Hashem and did not recite the berochos correctly. They were punished, so Dovid Hamelech established one hundred berochos. (Since the berochos prevent death, one should be careful to say each word clearly, especially the name of Hashem).[18] The Bach[19] says that the danger of one hundred people dying applies today as well, and we need to say the one hundred berochos every day.

 In addition, there are ninety-eight curses mentioned in the Torah, and the words kol makeh and kol choli add two more, for a total of one hundred. The one hundred berochos we say each day save us from these curses.[20]

Another basic reason for this obligation is to bring one to revere Hashem, love Him, and remember Him always.[21]

There are reasons based on Kabbalah as well.[22]

 Focus of the One Hundred Berochos

Many seforim explain the link between one hundred berochos and yiras Shomayim.[23] We are accustomed to receive whatever we need and desire and we forget that everything we have comes from Hashem. Therefore, we recite one hundred berochos each day to remind and instill in us that everything is from Hashem. We remember this when we recite Hamachzir Nishamos Lifgarim Meisim, Pokeach Ivrim and the like.[24] It is a segulah to fear Hashem.[25]


Some maintain that the goal is to recite one hundred berochos on different things (davening three different times a day is called different things). The mitzvah is not to just recite one hundred berochos.


Harav Shimshon Pinkus zt”l[26] says that the point of this halacha is for us to know that Hashem loves us and is close to us. Therefore, we say thank you to Him for all He gives us.



Whoever recites one hundred berochos a day merits being a ben Olom Haba.[28] One who fulfills the one hundred berochos a day is considered as if he brought a korbon.[29]


Adding to the One Hundred

One who adds to the reciting of one hundred berochos a day is praiseworthy.[30] Others say there is no hidur to add to the one hundred.[31] In addition, one should make sure to calculate the number of berochos he recites during the day.[32] It would seem that this is only necessary to be done on Shabbos and Yom Tov when it is difficult to make one hundred berochos.[33]


Can’t Get to One Hundred

If, for some reason, one cannot get to one hundred berochos (i.e. he is sick), is there a point in trying to get as close as possible to one hundred? The Brisker Rav zt”l is quoted as saying that there is no point in adding berochos if one will not achieve one hundred,[34] as the goal is to praise Hashem with one hundred berochos.[35] Others do not seem convinced that this is so.[36]



There is a discussion in the poskim whether women have this obligation. Some exempt women because tzitzis and tefillin are counted towards the one hundred berochos, and women do not recite these berochos.[37] Others maintain that they can replace them with other berochos.[38] In addition, the case for women to be obligated can be based on the following: Women are obligated in the mitzvah of mezuzah because mezuzah protects, and women need protection as well.[39] Therefore, since the one hundred berochos protect from death, women would need this protection as well. One can argue, however, that only men died during the plague (mentioned above), and women were not affected.[40]


Some poskim exempt women because they are not obligated to daven three times a day, and it is not feasible that they have an obligation to recite one hundred berochos.[41] It is odd that no earlier poskim discuss this issue. Until recently, women were largely uneducated, and it would seem awkward to require them to recite one hundred berochos. Modern-day women are highly educated, but are still exempt.[42]


Others say it may be considered a time-bound mitzvah from which women are exempt.[43] Some do require women in one hundred berochos,[44] but this is not the overwhelming custom.[45]


Children do not recite the berochos on tefillin and tallis. In addition, many children do not eat bread every day or daven three times a day. Therefore, some maintain that young children do not have to be taught to do this mitzvah.[46] Others disagree with this premise.[47]


When the Day Begins

When does the day begin? Do we start upon awakening in the morning until the night, or from the night until the next night?[48] Some indicate that it starts from the morning,[49] while the consensus of the poskim is that the reckoning of the hundred berochos starts from the evening until the next evening.[50]




Weekday Calculation[51]

On a weekday, it is easy to reach one hundred berochos.[52] The total will be affected by the number of meals one eats during the day, in addition to a few differences between Sefardim and Ashkenazim, as Sefardim make a few less berochos.


Hamapil (1)[53]

Al Netilas Yadayim (1)[54]

Asher Yotzar (1)[55]

Tzitzis (1)[56]

Tefillin (1)[57]

Birchos Hashachar (15)[58]

Birchos HaTorah (3)[59]; some say two berochos.[60]

Boruch She’omar (1)[61]

Yishtabach (1)[62]

Birchos Krias Shema day[63] and night[64] (7)[65]

Shemoneh Esrei 19 x 3 (57)[66]

Meals – 2 x (8) (6 – Al Netilas Yadayim and Hamotzi and four of Birchas Hamazon).[67] The Bais Yosef[68] adds drinking during a meal, with a brocha before and after (2). He is probably referring to kos shel brocha,[69] which many people do not observe.[70] Even when this rule is observed, only the one who leads the zimun makes the brocha and not all people present.[71]


The above calculation, based primarily on the custom of Sefardim, adds up to one hundred and five berochos each day.[72]


However, this assumes that one eats two bread meals each day. Those who do not eat bread that often would have to make it up with other berochos during the day.[73]


Below we will detail the one hundred berochos daily according to the Ashkenazim:


The Ashkenazim recite two berochos on tefillin[74] and also the brocha of Hanosen Layaeif Koach in Birchos Hashachar,[75] as well as the brocha of Yiru Eineniu in Maariv.[76] Here, too, those who do not eat bread twice per day must find other sources to reach one hundred. Furthermore, one does not recite a brocha on a tallis katton, if one recites a brocha on a tallis gadol.[77]


Hamapil (1)

Al Netilas Yadayim (1)

Asher Yotzar (1)

Tzitzis (1) (some say one on tallis katton and one on tallis gadol)[78]

Tefillin (2)[79]

Birchos Hashachar (16)[80]

Birchos Hatorah (3)[81]

Boruch She’omar (1)

Yishtabach (1)

Birchos Krias Shema day and night (8)[82]

Shemoneh Esrei 19 x 3 (57)


These calculations arrive at ninety-two berochos.[83]


Meals – (8) per meal, if two meals then 16. Most people do not drink wine at meals, so two berochos are excluded from each meal[84] (especially since most times one bentches by himself).[85] If one drinks wine and eats two meals then we add another four berochos which brings us to one hundred and eight.[86]


Since some people wash once per day and do not drink wine at their meal,[87] we arrive at one hundred.[88]



As mentioned above, Shabbos and Yom Tov are much more challenging.[89] It is important to point out that the obligation applies even on these days.[90]


The main challenge on Shabbos is that there are twelve fewer berochos from each Shemoneh Esrei,[91] plus no birchos tefillin (38).[92] However, we add Magen Avos (some say Me’ein Sheva),[93]  Kiddush,[94] the seven berochos of Mussaf,[95] and the eight berochos of shalosh seudos[96] (according to those who make a brocha on a drink in middle of the meal it is eight – otherwise it is six berochos). We are still missing many berochos.[97]


The Gemora[98] suggests eating fruit[99] and other snacks during the day[100] to add additional berochos.[101] If this is not sufficient[102] then one can listen[103] to the berochos of aliyos[104] during Shacharis and Mincha (and answer amen).[105] The ten aliyos (Shacharis and Mincha) add up to twenty berochos.[106] One should only rely on this if he has no means to make the missing berochos himself.[107]


One may count the berochos of maftir and the berochos of the haftora by answering amen.[108]


One who eats shalosh seudos after dark may count the berochos recited at this meal for Shabbos unless he has already davened Maariv.[109] Some say that when one makes Shabbos early the berochos recited count towards Friday and not Shabbos.[110] Others argue with this premise.[111] It seems like the custom is to be lenient with this.[112] Those who do not actually recite Hagofen, Hamotzi or Havdala cannot count those berochos.[113] Others say that one should make sure to use a cup of wine at bentching on Shabbos to gain extra berochos even if he does not follow this practice during the week.[114]


The poskim mention a few other ways to achieve the one hundred berochos on Shabbos. Some maintain that Modim equals one hundred in gematria and one who says Modim properly is like he said one hundred berochos.[115]


One who makes Kiddush for different people many times (such as in a hospital) may count each brocha of Kiddush towards the one hundred berochos.[116]


On Shabbos Chanukah we add the two birchos Hallel.[117] The same is true for Shabbos Rosh Chodesh.[118]


In regard to reciting Birchos Ha’illanos on Shabbos, some poskim forbid it[119] out of concern that one might pluck a bud from the tree,[120] or that he might carry a siddur.[121] Nonetheless, virtually all of the poskim maintain that this brocha may be recited on Shabbos.[122]  Some say that one may recite it in order to reach the one hundred berochos on Shabbos.[123]


Listening to Chazaras Hashatz

There is a discussion in the poskim whether one may count listening to chazaras hashatz.[124]


Some poskim maintain that in extraordinary situations one may count the listening of chazaras hashatz.[125] This may apply to Yom Kippur (see below for other possibilities regarding Yom Kippur).[126]


Ein K’Elokeinu on Shabbos

There is a discussion in the poskim if reciting Ein K’Elokeinu counts towards the one hundred berochos.[127] It could be that the praises to Hashem suffice. The calculation would be as follows: in Ein K’Elokeinu we say “ein,” “mi” and “nodeh” four times. The first letters spell amen. In addition we say boruch four times and ata four times, which is equal to 12 amens.[128] The overwhelming custom is to not count Ein K’Elokeinu,[129] as it is not mentioned in the Shulchan Aruch. Nevertheless, one may rely on the lenient opinion in place of need.[130]


Yom Tov

Yom Tov has the same issue as Shabbos and the eitzahs described above work for Yom Tov as well.[131] There is one less meal since we do not have shalosh seudos on Yom Tov.[132]




Fast Day

According to the Sefardim, since we have at least one less meal on a fast day we have ninety-seven berochos.[133] According to the Ashkenazim as well, one less meal on a fast would still leave us with less than one hundred berochos. Therefore, we would make it up by reciting Asher Yotzar and a brocha on foods at night before the fast start (obviously not on Yom Kippur and Tisha B’Av).[134]


Tisha B’Av

There are no meals at all on Tisha B’Av.[135] Furthermore, according to some poskim the brocha of She’asa Li Kol Tzorki[136] is omitted. Therefore we have to rely on listening to the laining, answering amen, and reciting of Asher Yotzar to achieve one hundred berochos.[137] There is a discussion in the poskim if one is allowed to smell besamim on Tisha B’Av (and count it towards the one hundred berochos).[138]


Rosh Hashanah

On Rosh Hashanah we have one less meal than on Shabbos since we do not eat shalosh seudos.[139] We add the Shehechiyanu of Kiddush, the brocha on the simonim,[140] and the berochos on the shofar[141] (some recite Shehechiyanu on the shofar the second day).[142] One would have to do the eitzahs described for Shabbos as well.[143]





Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is the most challenging day.[144] Some poskim rule that we omit She’asa Li Kol Tzorki.[145] Therefore, one should follow the earlier suggestion regarding laining.[146] Although this is not the preferred method on Shabbos, it is considered lechatchilah for Yom Kippur.[147] Since one will still be missing three berochos,[148] he should smell besamim.[149] Some poskim frown on this practice, since the nishoma has enjoyment from the smelling (and this is not in the spirit of Yom Kippur).[150] The custom is like the first opinion.


The brocha may be recited more than once, but one should be sure to allow for a sufficient amount of time to elapse between each brocha.[151] In addition, if one uses the bathroom and has to recite Asher Yotzar it counts towards the one hundred berochos.[152] However, in most cases one does not smell the besamim more than once; therefore some suggest the following: One should ask someone to say Birchos Hashachar out loud and he should listen and answer amen. This will be included towards the one hundred berochos.[153]



On Succos we add the berochos of Al Netilas Lulav,[154] Shehechiyanu for lulav,[155] Leisheiv B’succah,[156] Shehechiyanu at Kiddush, and Hallel.[157] Again one would have to do the eitzahs mentioned above.[158]



On Pesach we add the Shehechiyanu of Kiddush,[159] Ho’adama on karpas,[160] Asher G’alanu by the end of Maggid,[161] Borei Pri Hagofen on the second cup,[162] Al Achilas Matzah,[163] Al Achilas Marror,[164] the Borei Pri Hagofen on the third cup,[165] Hallel,[166] brocha rishona on the fourth cup,[167] and the brocha acharona on the fourth cup.[168] Again one would have to do the eitzahs mentioned above.[169]



On Shavuos we add Shehechiyanu by Kiddush and recite Hallel. If one is awake all night then he misses out on Hamapil,[170] Elokay Neshoma,[171] Hamaveir Sheinah,[172] and Birchos HaTorah.[173] One should be stringent and not count hearing these berochos from others towards the one hundred berochos.[174] Here, too, one needs to rely on some of the eitzahs regarding Shabbos.[175]


Reciting an Unnecessary Brocha

It is forbidden to recite unnecessary berochos.[176] This is true even if one needs it to count towards the one hundred berochos.[177] Some are lenient on this[178] since one is reciting the brocha for the mitzvah of making the one hundred berochos. Therefore, it is considered a necessary brocha.[179]




One should not be lazy in regard to the recital of the one hundred berochos a day.[180]




Have to Repeat Shemoneh Esrei

If one forgot mashiv haruach or Ya’aleh V’yavo and must repeat Shemoneh Esrei,[181] do his berochos count towards the one hundred, and can he count the next set of berochos? The Chazon Ish zt”l rules that the first Shemoneh Esrei is counted towards the one hundred berochos.[182] It would seem that the second Shemoneh Esrei also counts.[183]






When a shatz repeats the Shemoneh Esrei, those berochos count towards the one hundred berochos.[184]



[1] Meseches Menachos 43b.  Refer to Sdei Tzofim on Meseches Menachos ibid.

[2] Devarim 10:12.  See Bal Haturim Shemos 38:27.

[3] For other examples of this concept see Berochos 10b, 54b, 64a, Shabbos 30b, Kiddushin 30b.

[4] Rashi Meseches Menachos 43b “ma,” Sefer Chassidim page 5, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6:7. See Maharsha Menachos ibid. Refer to Ohr Hachaim on Devarim 22:19.

[5] Tosfas Meseches Menachos 43b “shaul,” Shibuley Haleket 1.  Refer to Maharsha on Menachos 43b on this.  Also see Sefas Emes Meseches Menachos 43b, Torah Temimah Devarim 10:12.

[6] O.C. 46:3, Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1,  Yosef Ometz 50, Machzik Bracha 290:1, Birchei Yosef 104, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6:7, Mishnah Berurah 290:2, Aruch Hashulchan 46:1.  See Yufei L’lev 46:17, Yalkut Yosef 46:footnote 1:page 43. Refer to Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 44-47 why no berocha is recited on this mitzvah.

[7] Medrash Rabbah Bamidbar 18, Medrash Rabbah Korach 12, Tur 46, Shibuley Haleket 1, Machzor Vitri 1, Yosef Ometz 50, Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:3. See Taz 46:3, Siach Yitzchok 24.

[8] Sefer Hamanhig 1:page 28, Kad Hakemach bracha, Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:3. Refer to Mitzvahs Meah Berochos pages 6-7, Kovetz Bais Aron V’Yisroel 91:pages 121-122, Michkrei Eretz 1:24:1. See Zera Yaakov 30:pages 592-593, Birchos Hori pages 1-2.

[9] Refer to Magen Avraham 46:7, Ateres Paz 1:1:1, Yalkut Yosef 46:footnote 1, Birchos Hori pages 5-6.

[10] Refer to Ateres Paz 1:1.

[11] Ravyah 1:146,  Rambam Sefer Hamitzvos Shoresh 1, Tur 46, Levush 46:1, Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 46:7, Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6;7, Shulchan Hatohar Zer Zahav 6:page 12, Sdei Chemed Mareches Cheis Klal 34:pages 351-352, Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:3, Ateres Paz 1:1, Mitzvahs Meah Berochos page 5, Teshuvos V’hanhagos 4: 4:60, 153, Birchos Eisan (new print)  pages 30-36. Refer to Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 37-40 what difference in halacha it makes if the mitzvah of 100 berochos is a d’Oraisa or d’rabbanan.

[12] Machzik Bracha 290:1, Yabea Omer O.C. 8:23:24, opinion of Harav Elyashiv zt”l quoted in Birchos Hori page 5:footnote 10. See Pesach Hadvir 290:3, Yabea Omer O.C. 9:94:21, Yalkut Yosef 46:pages 44-45. On this topic see Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 19-26 in depth.

[13] Meseches Menachos 43b.

[14] For a complete list see Higyunei Haparsha 2:pages 462-464.

[15] Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1.

[16] Medrash Rabbah Bamidbar 18, Medrash Rabbah Korach 12, Medrash Tanchuma Korach 12, Yalkut Shemonei Eikev 855, Tur 46, Taz 46:7, Bach 46, Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1, Taamei Haminhagim 31:page 5, Mishnah Berurah 46:1, Aruch Hashulchan 46:1, Kaf Hachaim 46:30. See Tzitz Eliezer 22:29:page 44. Refer to Rashbatz 2:161.

[17] 46:1.

[18] Refer to Kaf Hachaim 46:31. See Chofetz Chaim on Aggados Meseches Berochos 5a.

[19] 46.

[20] Rokeach 320, Kesher Gadol 5:32, Yosef Ometz 50, Machzik Bracha 46:2, Taamei Haminhagim 32:page 5, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6:7, Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:4, Apirion Parshas B’halosicha (beg).

[21] Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6:7.  See Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:4.

[22] Refer to Zohar brought in Yalkut Yosef 46:footnote 1, also Zohar Parshas Chai Sara 23.

[23] Refer to Tlali Oros 9:page 178, Mikdash Halevi (Dinar) pages 569-570, Toras Habracha 1:pages 6-7, Taam V’daas Pekudei 38:27:pages 240-241, see Sichos Rebbe Shimshon Dovid Pinchus (Elul) pages 121-122, Minchas Yitzchok Eikev 10:12:page 213. Even if one will not have the right intention when saying a bracha and it will not bring him to yiras Shomayim he should recite the bracha (Sheilas Rav 2:26:13).

[24] Maharam Shik on Devarim 10:12. See Chai Moshe 3:introduction, Notrei Amen 1:pages 115-121.

[25] Taam V’daas Eikev 10:12:page 75.

[26] Sichos Rebbe Shimshon Dovid Pinkus (Chinuch) page 171.

[27] Refer to Mitzvas Meah Berochos pages 22-23.

[28] Birchei Yosef 46:5, Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:4.

[29] Otzer Hamidrashim Vaykira 1:page 9.

[30] Avudraham Seder Tefillas Hachol page 119, Tur 46, Levush 46:1, Yalkut Yosef 46:1.

[31] Yesodo Yeshurin 1:page 125.

[32] Rambam Hilchos Tefillah 7:16, Yaavetz 1:page 579, Teshuvos V’hanhagos 2:129, 4:153.

[33] Yabea Omer O.C. 8:23:24, Birchos Eisan (new print) page 87:footnote 10, pages 195-196.

[34] Teshuvos V’hanhagos 4:153, Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 35. Others say there may be a point (Sheilas Rav 2:26:14).

[35] Mitzvas Meah Berochos, hosafos.

[36] Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 26-27.

[37] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 17:2 (tzitzis), 38:3 (tefillin), Shevet Halevi 5:23.

[38] Yalkut Yosef 46:5, Halichos Olom 1:page 59, Mitzvas Hanashim 8:2. See Bais Hillel 20:page 128, 21:page 107, 28:page 158.

[39] Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 291:3, Shach 4, Beer Heitiv 1, Aruch Hashulchan 4.

[40] Ateres Paz 1:1. Refer to Higyonei Haparsha 2:page 468.

[41] Refer to Halacha Berurah 46:8, Bais Hillel 31:page 88. See Yalkut Yosef 46:pages 47-50.

[42] Yosef Daas 1:7.

[43] Shulchan Aruch O.C.17:2, 38:3, 70:1, 640:1,  Teshuvos V’hanhagos 2:129, Shevet Halevi 5:23.

[44] Halichos Olom 1:page 59:9, Alei Siach page 53:1 quoting the opinion of Harav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, Ashrei Haish O.C. 1:page 47:1. See Halichos Chaim page 29 and 2:page 33, Sheilas Rav 1:page 80:7. A deaf person is also obligated in 100 berochos if he is able to (Alei Siach page 54:2).

[45] Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita, see Ateres Paz 1:1, Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 7, Shevet Hakehasi 1:63, Rivevos Ephraim 3:47:1, 5:114, 7:42, 8:114:page 64, Vezos Habracha page 186, Nishmas Shabbos 2:430, Shevet Halevi 5:23, Nezer Hatorah 16:page 351, Halichos Bas Yisroel 14:47, Ohr Yitzchok 1:28, Teshuvos V’hanhagos 2:129, Kovetz Bais Aron V’Yisroel 117:page 168,  Bais Avi E.H. 4:172:page 347 (top), Michkrei Eretz 1:24:3, Halichos Shlomo Tefillah 22:25:footnote 44, Halichos Beisa 13:2, Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 63-64.

[46] Hakotton V’hilchosov 13:footnote 1, Ashrei Haish O.c. 1:page 47:1. For a discussion on this see Birchos Eisan (new print).

Pages 69-73.

[47] Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 71-72.

[48] For more on this topic see Shivivi Eish Bereishis pages 1-3.

[49] Refer to Rambam Hilchos Tefilla 7:14, Levush 46:1, O’ver Orach (back of Orchos Chaim Spinka) 46, Piskei Teshuvos 16:page 17, Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:3, Rivevos Ephraim 8:563:4.

[50] Refer to Bais Yosef 46, Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1,  Kaf Hachaim Palagi 36:2, Shulchan Hatohar 46:4, Betzel Hachochma 4:155, Ateres Paz 1:1, Halacha Berurah 46:7, Halichos Olom 1:page 59, Yalkut Yosef 46:3, Yabea Omer O.C. 8:23, 10:7, Mitzvas Meah Berochos pages 11-13, Birurei Chaim 4:page 523,  Halichos Shlomo Tefillah 22:23, Teshuvos V’hanhagos 4:60, B’mechitzas Rabbeinu pages 56-57, Nishmas Shabbos 2:430, Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 88-96. See Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 35 what the halachos of ben hashmashos has regarding these halachos.

[51] There are many poskim who list the berochos which equal 100 (See Avudraham Seder Tefillas Hachol page 119, Rokeach 320, Ravyah Meseches Berochos 146, Kad Hakemach Bracha, Rambam Hilchos Tefillah 7:14, Shibuley Haleket 1, Bais Yosef 46, Prishah 15, Magen Avraham 46:1, Machatzis Hashekel 46, Shulchan Aruch Harav 46, Mishnah Berurah 46:14, Aruch Hashulchan 46:2, Krayna D’igrasa 1:page 149, Taamei Haminhagim page 5). For a nice discussion of these halachos see Zera Yaakov 22:pages 315-321, Alei Temarim 2:pages 67-72.

[52] Mitzvas Meah Berochos introduction.

[53] Shulchan Aruch 239:1. Refer to Ben Ish Chai Pekudei 1:12 who says no bracha is made on hamapil, see Kaf Hachaim 239:7.

[54] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 4:1.

[55] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 7:1.

[56] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 8:1.

[57] Shulchan Aruch 25:5, 8,9, Refer to Rambam Hilchos Tefillah 7:14, Shibuley Haleket 1, Sefer Hamanhig 1:page 29, Bais Yosef 46, Magen Avraham 46:8, Machatzis Hashekel 46:8, and many others see Halacha Berurah 46:footnote 25.

[58] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 46:1,4,6.

[59] Bais Yosef 46, Shulchan Aruch O.C. 47:6, Rama 6. See Mishnah Berurah 46:14, Aruch Hashulchan 46:2.

[60] Refer to Shulchan Aruch O.C. 47:6.

[61] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 51:1, Mishnah Berurah 46:14, Aruch Hashulchan 46:2.

[62] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 51:1, Mishnah Berurah 46:14, Aruch Hashulchan 46:2.

[63] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 59:1, 60:1.

[64] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 236:1, Mishnah Berurah 2.

[65] This is due to the fact that Sefardim do not recite the brocha of Yiru Eineinu at night (Aruch Hashulchan 46:2).

[66] Even if one did not have the right intention while saying the first brocha (see Biur Halacha 101 “hamispalel”) it counts towards the 100 berochos (Halichos Shlomo Tefillah page 99:footnote 11).

[67] Bais Yosef 46. See Aruch Hashulchan 46:2.

[68] 46.

[69] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 32.

[70] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 33.

[71] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 25:footnote 10.

[72] Bais Yosef 46. See Magen Avraham 46:8, Machtzis Hashekel.

[73] Refer to Aruch Hashulchan 46:2, Sharei Habracha 10:footnote 50.

[74] Rama O.C. 25:5.

[75] Rama O.C. 46:6.

[76] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 236:2.

[77] Sharei Habracha 10:footnote 50.

[78] Aruch Hashulchan 46:12.

[79] Rama 25:5, 8, Mishnah Berurah 31, Mishnah Berurah 46:14. Refer to Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 82-83. Regarding a brocha recited in korbonoshamikadesh shmo b’rabim” see Bais Yosef 46, Rokeach 320, Elef Hamateh 622:2, Aruch Hashulchan 46:2, Birchos Eisan (new print) page 116.

[80] Some count Elokay Neshoma (Aruch Hashulchan 46:1). Others say that since Elokay Neshoma does not start with a brocha it is not counted towards the 100 berochos (Mitzvahs Meah Berochos page 37, quoting the opinion of the Brisker Rav zt”l, see ibid page 38, see Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 115-116). Refer to Shulchan Aruch 46:1, Mishnah Berurah 6:12.Some say Hamaveir Sheina and the Yehi Ratzon are two berochos.  See Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 38. Regarding reciting Hanosen Layaeif Koach see Tur 46, Shulchan Aruch 46:6, Rama 46:6, Yufei Lelevi 21, Mishnah Berurah 21, Aruch Hashulchan 7,  Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 80-82.

[81] Rambam Hilchos Tefillah 7:10, Bais Yosef 46, Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1, Mishnah Berurah 46:14 based on Rama 46:6, Aruch Hashulchan 46:2, see Krayna D’igrasa 1:page 149.

[82] The Ashkenazim say Yiru Eineinu at Maariv (Mishnah Berurah 46:14, Aruch Hashulchan 2). Refer to Pe’as Sudcha 2:66.

[83] Mishnah Berurah 46:14.

[84] Refer to Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 86-87. Many poskim dispute whether you need a cup when bentching at all or it depends on how many people are bentching, see Shulchan Aruch 182:1, Mishnah Berurah 4, Shar Hatzyion 3, Kaf Hachaim 1, Piskei Teshuvos 182:footnote 2, Orchos Rabbeinu 1:page 83.

[85] Birchos Eisan (new print) page 87.

[86] Mishnah Berurah 46:14.

[87] Aruch Hashulchan 46:2, see Sharei Habracha 10:footnote 48.

[88] Refer to Aruch Hashulchan 46:2, Sharei Habracha 10:footnote 50.

[89] Mitzvas Meah Berochos introduction, Birchos Hori page 28, Birchos Eisan (new print) introduction. Whether one counts the Maariv of Motzei Shabbos towards Shabbos or weekday count see Yabea Omer O.C. 10:7.

[90] Refer to Meseches Menachos 43b, Rosh Meseches Berochos 9:24, see Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 17-19, Higyonei Haparsha 2:pages 471-479.

[91] Bais Yosef 46.

[92] Refer to Rashi Meseches Menachos 43b “b’Shabbosos.” See Mishnah Berurah 290:2. If one forgot Retzeh or Ya’aleh V’yavo and he needs to recite the brocha recited before Hatov V’hameitiv it counts towards the 100 berochos (Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 40). In regard to whether some of the sheva berochos on Shabbos counts towards the 100 see Mitzvas Meah Berochos pages 41-43.

[93] Bais Yosef 46, Darchei Moshe 46, see Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 170-172. Others disagree (Magen Avraham 46:8, Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1).

[94] Bais Yosef 46.

[95] Bais Yosef 46.

[96] Regarding one who forgot to recite Retzeh and has to bentch again see Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 121-122.

[97] Bais Yosef 46, Birchos Hori pages 32-35, Mitzvahs Meah Berochos page 26. Refer to Yalkut Yosef 46:2.

[98] Meseches Menachos 43b.

[99] Meseches Menachos 43b, Rashi ibid “basparmikei.” Refer to Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 135-136.

[100] As well as Friday night (Mishnah Berurah 290:1).

[101] Rambam Hilchos Tefillah 7:15, Kol Bo 37, Bais Yosef 46, Shulchan Aruch 290:1, Levush 290:1, Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 46:8, Shulchan Aruch Harav 290:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6:7, Aruch Hashulchan 46:2, 206:12, 290:1, Yechaveh Daas 6:26, Yalkut Yosef 176:4, Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:3, Mishneh Halachos 6:35 (during the week one may not do this).

[102] Magen Avraham 46:8, Shulchan Aruch Harav 284:7, Mishnah Berurah 46:12, Aruch Hashulchan 46:2, 290:1, Yabea Omer O.C. 8:23:24.

[103] Hago’es Maimonies Hilchos Tefillah 7:80, Mabit 1:117, Levush 284:3, Pri Chadash 124:8, Magen Avraham 46:8, Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 7, Machatzis Hashekel 46:8, Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1, Mishnah Berurah 284:5. Others say there is no need to listen to the brocha as long as you answer amen and know which brocha is being said (Refer to Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 153-154).

[104] Rosh Meseches Berochos 9:24, Avudraham Seder Tefillas Hachol page 119, Shulchan Aruch 284:3,  Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6:7, 77:22, Aruch Hashulchan 284:12. Refer to Mesora 13:pages 54-55 where it explains the Rambam’s opinion on this issue. See Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 143-146.  In regards to adding to the aliyos in order that the berochos be counted towards the 100 berochos see Teshuvos V’hanhagos 2:86.

[105] Avudraham Seder Tefillas Hachol page 119, Mishnah Berurah 46:14, Aruch Hashulchan 284:12. Refer to Mitzvas Meah Berochos pages 15-19. One should not say boruch hu u’voruch shmo (Rivevos Ephraim 6:page 174:4, Nishmas Shabbos 2:298).

[106] Bais Yosef 46.

[107] Mabit 1:117, Magen Avraham 46:8, Elya Rabbah 290:1, Shulchan  Aruch Harav 46:1, Ben Ish Chai Baluk 1:1, Daas Torah 290:1, Mishnah Berurah 46:14, Aruch Hashulchan 290:1, Kaf Hachaim 290:5, Yabea Omer O.C. 8:23, Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 146-147,  Teshuvos V’hanhagos 2:86. See Teshuvos V’hanhagos 4:153. Others say one may count the berochos from the aliyos even if he has fruit, etc. (Refer to Birchos Eisan (new print) page 148).

[108] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 284:3, Levush O.C. 284:3,  Elya Rabbah 46:8, Magen Avraham 46:8, Machtzis Hashekel 290:1, Mishnah Berurah 46:14, 284:3, Elef Hamagen 622:6, Aruch Hashulchan 46:2, Teshuvos V’hanhagos 4:153, Mishneh Halachos 11:226.

[109] Minchas Shlomo 2:4:27, Halichos Shlomo Tefillah 22:23, Shevet Halevi 5:23, Halichos Olom 1:page 60, Yabea Omer O.C. 10:7.  See Sheilas Rav 2:26:17.

[110] Minchas Shlomo 2:4:27, Betzel Hachochma 4:155, Teshuvos V’hanhagos 4:60. Refer to Shraga Hamier 5:43:5. See Sheilas Rav 2:26:15 who argues. Refer to Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 175-182 in great depth.

[111] Mitzvas Meah Berochos pages 34-35. See Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 104-105.

[112] Yosef Daas 1:6:4.

[113] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 36. There is an uncertainty what the halacha is in regard to Kiddush by day where one only has to hear the Borei Pri Hagofen.

[114] Lekutei Maharich 2:page 41 (old).

[115] Kaf Hachaim Palagi 15:37.  See Tlalei Oros Tefillah page 373.

[116] Minchas Shlomo 2:4:27.  Some add foods to the Kiddush in order to make more berochos and have an easier time to reach the 100 berochos on Shabbos (Aruch Hashulchan 249:14).

[117] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 27.

[118] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 27.

[119] Moed Lechol Chai 1:8:page 8, Kaf Hachaim 4, Shraga Hameir 6:127:1, Asei Lecha Rav 6:page 328:16, see Ohr L’tzyion 3:6:5:footnote 5.

[120] Moed Lechol Chai ibid, Kaf Hachaim ibid.

[121] Teshuvos V’hanhugos 1:190.

[122] Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita, see Lev Chaim 2:44, Mishnas Yosef 61, Be’er Moshe 8:79, Betzel Hachuchma 6:32, Rivevos Ephraim 4:113:41, 5:73, 6:458:2, 7:119, 8:32, 8:75:2,  Yechaveh Daas 1:2, Shraga Hameir 8:13:2, Halichos Shlomo Tefilla page 289:footnote 121, V’aleihu Lo Yeibol 1:page 124:169, Teshuvos V’hanhugos 1:191, Yalkut Yosef 5:page 346, Vezos Habracha page 157:3, Orchos Rabbeinu 3:page 224:26, Chazzon Ovadia Pesach 1:20:5 footnote 12 in depth, Haggadah Shel Pesach Harav Elyashiv zt”l page 9, see Shemiras Shabbos K’hilchoso 26:footnote 72, Eluney D’Chai pages 90-100 in depth. The Eluney D’Chai 12:1 says although it is permitted to recite the brocha on Shabbos the custom is not to do so. The Chashukei Chemed Pesachim page 582 says if you know the tree was planted on Shabbos no brocha is recited on that tree.

[123] Yalkut Yosef 14:page 91:10.

[124] Refer to Rosh Meseches Berochos 9:24, Shulchan Aruch 46:1, 215:5, 290:1. See Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 163-164.

[125] Magen Avraham 46:8, Shulchan Aruch Harav 249:11, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6:7, Mishnah Berurah 46:14, 215:18, Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:3, see Aruch Hashulchan 290:1, Yosef Daas 1:6:2, Michkrei Eretz 1:24:5. Refer to Minchas Pri 14 if one has to listen to the entire chazaras hashatz or even part of it can be counted.  See Shulchan Aruch Hamekutzar 1:6:11.

[126] Birchos Eisan (new print) page 165 and pages 233-235. Refer to Be’er Heitiv 46:6, Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1, Matei Ephraim 622:3, Mishnah Berurah 46:14.

[127] It is not recited on Yom Kippur (Rama 622:1). Refer to Birchos Hori pages 31-32.

[128] Avudraham Seder Tefillas Hachol page 119, Shibuley Haleket 1, Kol Bo 37, Taz 622:3, Mishnah Berurah 622:5. Refer to Yalkut Yosef 46:pages 51-52.

[129] Sefer Hamanhig Tefillah page 30, Birchos Eisan (new print) page 151.

[130] Yalkut Yosef 46:page 51.

[131] Sharei Ephraim 9:39, Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 27, Natei Gavriel Yom Tov 47:15.

[132] Shulchan Aruch 529:1, Magen Avraham 5, Shulchan Aruch Harav 3, Birchei Yosef 3, Mishnah Berurah 13. Refer to Birchos Eisan (new print) page 200. See Aruch Hashulchan 529:3-4.

[133]  Magen Avraham 46:8. See Bais Yosef 46.

[134] Mishnah Berurah 46:14.  See Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 25.

[135] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 549:1, 553:2.

[136] Refer to Yabea Omer O.C. 9:8:1.

[137] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 26.

[138] Refer to Shulchan Aruch 559:7, Y.D. 265:4, Levush 559:2,  Shach Y.D. 265:12,  Mishnah Berurah 559:27, Aruch Hashulchan 554:13, Kaf Hachaim 612:34, Bais Dovid 334, Mikadesh Yisroel (Tisha B’Av) pages 318-319.  See Nechomas Yisroel 37:9.

[139]  Shulchan Aruch 529:1.

[140] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 583:1, 600:2.

[141] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 585:2.

[142] Rama 600:3. See  Mishnah Berurah 600:7, Aruch Hashulchan 4, Kaf Hachaim 10.

[143] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 27, Birchos  Eisan pages 203-204. See Hilchos Chag B’Chag (Yomim Noraim) page 221:9.

[144] Regarding the tefillah of Neilah see Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 235-236, Teshuvos V’hanhagos 4:153.

[145]  Kesher Godol 5:19, Kaf Hachaim Palagi 9:11, Ben Ish Chai Vayeishiv 1:9, Kaf Hachaim 46:17, Teshuvos V’hanahagos 1:6. Refer to Rav Akiva Eiger O.C. 46:3, Mishnah Berurah 554:31, Yabea Omer O.C. 9:8.

[146] Mishnah Berurah 46:14, Mitzvahs Meah Berochos page 28.

[147] Birchos Eisan (new print) page 232.

[148] See Yabea Omer O.C. 9:8:1. Refer to Betzel Hachochma 4:25 for other ways to recite additional berochos on Yom Kippur.

[149] Magen Avraham 46:8, 612:4, Elya Rabbah 46:8, 612:2, Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 612:4, M.Z. 622:3, Birchei Yosef 612:2, Shulchan Aruch Harav 612:17, Chayei Adom 145:33, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 133:20, Matei Ephraim 622:3, Elef L’mateh 622:2, Katzeh Hamateh 612:8, Mishnah Berurah 46:14, Aruch Hashulchan 612:6, Kaf Hachaim 612:33, Daas Torah 46:3, Siach Yitzchok 171, Yabea Omer O.C. 9:56, Beer Moshe 2:52:1,5-6,  Zera Yaakov 15:pages 151-152, Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:3, Yalkut Yosef 13:page 88:3. See Chochmas Shlomo 614. Refer to Maharsha Meseches Yoma 82b “haiy.”

[150] Kenesses Hagedolah 46, Shlah Meseches Yoma page 61, Moed Lechol Chai 10:74, Kaf Hachaim 612:33.

[151] Refer to Magen Avraham 46:8, Taz 639:20, Shulchan Aruch Harav 46:1,  Matei Ephraim 612:6, 619:26, 622:3, Elef Lemateh 622:2, Mishnah Berurah 612:18, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 133:20, Shevet Hakehasi 2:98. See Kol Hatorah 45:pages 109-112.

[152]  Shulchan Aruch Harav 612:17, Mishnah Berurah 46:14, 612:18.  See Magen Avraham 612:4. Refer to Bichos Eisan pages 138-140.

[153] Teshuvos V’hanhagos 4:153. See Beer Moshe 2:52:1.  Refer to Halichos Shlomo Tefillah 22:24.

[154] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 651:5.

[155] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 644:1.

[156] Shulchan Aruch O.C 639:8.

[157] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 644:1.

[158] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 29, Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 206-207.

[159] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 473:1.

[160] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 473:6.

[161] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 474:7.

[162] Rama O.C. 474:1 (Ashkenazim, see Mishnah Berurah 4, Kaf Hachaim 4, Birchos Eisan (new print) page 210).

[163] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 475:1.

[164] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 475:1.

[165] Rama O.C. 474:1, 479:1.

[166] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 480:1.

[167] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 479:1.

[168] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 480:1.

[169] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 30.

[170] Shulchan Aruch O.C. 239:1.

[171] Mishnah Berurah 46:24.

[172] Mishnah Berurah 46:24.

[173] Mishnah Berurah 47:28, 494:1.

[174] Mitzvas Meah Berochos pages 30-31.

[175] Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 219-220.

[176] Shulchan Aruch 215:4. Refer to Mishnah Berurah 176:2, 211:28, 215:18, Shulchan Aruch Harav 215:4-5, 249:11. See Bracha K’halacha 1:pages 38-41.

[177] Lechem Mishnah Hilchos Tefillah 7:15, Magen Avraham 46:8, 215:6, Birchei Yosef 46:6, Mishnah Berurah 46:14, Kaf Hachaim 290:2, 215:30, Shevet Hakehasi 2:90, 3:87:1. See Torah Leshma 64, Ateres Paz 1:1. Refer to Mitzvas Meah Berochos pages 20-21, M’Bais Levi 17:page 85:footnote 6, Bais Hillel 33:pages 25-26, Sharei Habracha 10:13:footnote 36. See Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 184-185.

[178] Refer to Magen Avraham 46:8, Chochmas Shlomo 46:3, Birchos Yitzchok 290:1, Aruch Hashulchan 206:12, 290:1, Kol Hatorah 56:page 42:1, Birur Halacha (Zilber) 290:page 94, Yechaveh Daas 6:26, See Yesodo Yeshurin 5:page 426, Ohr Letzyion 1:17, Shevet Hakehasi 2:90.  Refer to Birchos Eisan (new print) pages 190-192.

[179] Oz Nedberu 13:2:4, Yechaveh Daas 6:26. See Rav Poalim O.C. 2:27, Yehuda Yaleh O.C. 1:22:2, Kovetz Bais Aron V’Yisroel 117:pages 167- 168, Higyonei Haparsha 2:pages 479-481, Madanei Yom Tov 5:pages 39-44.

[180] Tzitz Eliezer 19:11:4.

[181] Refer to Eretz Tzvi 24.

[182] As quoted by Harav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita in Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 41 and in Orchos Rabbeinu 3:page 210:25, Sheilas Rav 2:26:19 and Massei Ish 2:page 98. See Derech Sicha 1:page 273.

[183] Mitzvas Meah Berochos page 41.  See Eretz Tzvi 24.

[184] Minchas Shlomo 2:4:27.

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