Arrest of Talmid Yeshiva May Spark Renewed Protests in Israel

idffOfficials aligned with the Yerushalmi faction are hinting at renewed protests if the talmid yeshiva arrested by IDF authorities on Wednesday night 4 Tishrei is not released. The talmid, a resident of Modi’in Illit, is in the custody of military police as he is categorized as missing from service. He is being brought before an IDF judge on erev Shabbos Shuva.

The bochur is a talmid at Yeshiva Merkaz HaTorah in Betar Illit and he was arrested on Wednesday night. The young man was listed as ‘wanted for questioning’ during a routine inspection.

Ladaat News quotes the Vaad for Hatzolas Olam HaTorah saying “Baruch Hashem, for close to a year no one was arrested among the many thousands who do not report to induction centers because IDF authorities realize the consequences that will result if a talmid yeshiva is arrested. If someone thinks that now he can outsmart us and arrest a talmid yeshiva, not to mention before Yom Kippur and Sukkos, it should be known there will be a price, and the price will not be a simple one”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Dumb of the zionists to pick a fight. At best, they’ll get a disloyal soldier who they will never be able to trust. At worst they’ll mobilize a large number of Israelis to protest the government and further worsen Israel’s international reputation (since concripting people who object to military service for religious reasons is generally considered a breach of international human rights law).

  2. Frum Men and woman can be used in the military
    Maybe not to be a fighter, or a pilot
    But I’m sure they can be used for something useful

    And keep up the Torah studies
    It can be like going to yeshiva and working. Same. Concept

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