While Many Almanos Struggle through Tishrei, Misamche Lev Helps to Carry The Burden



By: Frimet Blum

Close to six hundred widows in Eretz Yisroel and the United States will receive large checks from Mesamche Lev this week. The checks are part of the organization’s efforts to alleviate the burden faced by women raising their children alone, and will go a long way towards filling their homes with simchas Yom Tov.

The women always carry a huge burden, but the month of Tishrei is particularly challenging. They must lead the Yom Tov meals, take their children to Tashlich and Kapparos, and make sure their Sukkah is up and decorated. Many have not yet recovered from the trauma of being widowed, and are dealing with crushing grief and brokenhearted children. All this is in addition to the typical duties of cooking and housekeeping for a month-long string of Shabbosim and Yomim Tovim; a burden that is demanding even under normal circumstances.

Yet it is the financial stress that often causes the most anguish. When orphans can’t get new clothing, or a woman can’t buy food or household necessities for Yom Tov, their pain is exacerbated. That is why Mesamche Lev goes to great lengths to ensure that widows have extra funds for Yom Tov.

Ever since Harav Zalman Ashkenazi, zatzal, founded Mesamche Lev over forty years ago, the organization has worked tirelessly to bring joy to widows and orphans. Harav Ashkenazi, zatzal, had a special place in his heart for widows and orphans. He felt their loneliness and pain, understood their challenges, and dedicated his life to relieving their burden. The Tishrei check distribution is one of several programs that were established to help the women during their most difficult times.

Originally serving families only in Eretz Yisroel, in recent years, Mesamche Lev has expanded the program to serve American widows. This Tishrei, four hundred forty two widows in Eretz Yisroel and one hundred eighty five widows in the US will receive checks. The checks will benefit close to four thousand orphans. The families will receive large amounts that make a significant difference. Many of the women have come to depend on Mesamche Lev to get them through Yom Tov.

“I don’t worry about buying my children clothing and shoes for Yom Tov,” says Rivka, a Brooklyn mother of seven. “For the past few years, the Mesamche Lev check covered a large part of our Yom Tov clothing costs. That is such a big thing for me, because my children already feel different than their friends, and they absolutely must fit in. I don’t know what I would do without Mesamche Lev’s help.” The sentiment is shared among other Mesamche Lev recipients, who watch their mailboxes each Tishrei and Nissan.

The widow checks are a major part of Mesamche Lev’s massive Yom Tov chalukah; a distribution that provides meat and groceries coupons to some eleven thousand families in Eretz Yisroel. The checks, as well as the meat and groceries coupons, were sponsored by generous donors in the US and abroad.

Mesamche Lev’s Tishrei budget is close to one and a half million dollars. That number includes a deposit on the forty two thousand pairs of shoes that will be distributed before Pesach.

Mesamche Lev is endorsed by leading rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel and around the world. Yet the most treasured endorsements are the letters and silent accolades of five hundred ninety three almonos who will celebrate Zeman Simchasainu with joy, and thank Mesamche Lev for Bringing Simcha to Life for them and their children.

Click HERE to learn more or donate.

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