Photo Essay: Levaya Of Longtime Hatzolah Member Morris And His Wife Beth Faitelewicz Z”L At The Bialystoker Shul (Photos By JDN)

2015090909013320150909075645 20150909080010 20150909080658 20150909081632 20150909082253 20150909082338 20150909082637 20150909082952 20150909083207 20150909083725 20150909085020 20150909085233 20150909085539 20150909085618 20150909085936 20150909090020 20150909090120 20150909090128
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2 Responses

  1. Something so bacheint with the lower east side community. These yidden never got caught up with the mainstream image and kavod issues for Torah and chessed. They didn’t need to be honored by dinners or by the agudah.They live their lives amongst goyim and are mekadesh sheim shamayim quietly without fanfare and fame. This man and his wife did chessed and mitzvos everyday of their lives. Didn’t wait for special honors; look how small their levaya is. They can easily be one of the lamed vav.

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