Boyaner Rebbe Takes Older Bochrim to Amuka

boyaThe Boyaner Rebbe Shlita left for Amuka to the kever of Yonasan ben Uziel, taking over 30 older (אלטערס) bochrim of the chassidus with him to be mispallel for shidduchim. The rebbe and his chassidim left on Tuesday, 24 Elul.

The rebbe’s gabbai telephoned the parents of the bochrim on Monday, informing them the rebbe would be traveling with their sons to the north before Rosh Hashanah and they left on Tuesday afternoon. After tefilos mincha and the recitation of Tehillim, the rebbe gave a moving chizuk schmooze to the bochrim in an effort to elevate them before Rosh Hashanah, instructing them to be mechazeik in their limud and their emunah in HKBH and to accept good spiritual decisions upon themselves.

This was followed by a seuda at the kever of the Tanna Choni Ha’Maagal (חוני המעגל) in Chatzor HaGlilit. The rebbe gave each of the participants a special bracha that they should merit a shidduch in the immediate future.

Kikar Shabbos News reports the rebbe has turned to a number of askanim to set up a committee that will involve itself in shidduchim towards finding a suitable match for the elder bochrim in the community.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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