Health Insurance Signups Near 10 Million in Midyear Report

obcAbout 9.9 million people have signed up and paid for health insurance under President Barack Obama’s health care law, the administration said Tuesday, a slight dip from a previous count but on track toward the administration’s year-end goal of 9.1 million.

The Department of Health and Human Services said that 84 percent of those, or more than 8.3 million, were receiving tax subsidies to help with the cost. A Supreme Court decision earlier this summer upheld insurance subsidies in all 50 states, a major victory for the White House.

The report was the first update since June on how the health care law’s insurance markets are performing in all 50 states. Enrollment shifts are to be expected as people cancel coverage or newly enroll as their circumstances change. A previous report had put the number at 10.2 million as of the end of March.

In 2014, the enrollment number peaked at around 8 million in the spring and dropped to 6.3 million by the end of the year. Hanging on to customers is a major priority for as well as state-run exchanges, amid a growing sense that it may take three to five years for the taxpayer-subsidized markets to approach their full potential.

Approximately 423,000 consumers lost coverage when they couldn’t produce enough documentation of their citizenship or immigration status, the department said in Tuesday’s report.

Obama’s law offers subsidized private insurance through online markets also called exchanges, plus an expanded version of Medicaid in states that adopt it. Independent surveys and government reports have documented steady gains in coverage since the 2014 launch of the insurance exchanges and the health law’s Medicaid expansion. The nation’s overall uninsured rate now stands at about 9 percent, a historic low.

“Consumers from coast to coast are continuing to show how important health coverage is to their families,” Health Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a news release. The figures released Tuesday cover the period through June 30.


One Response

  1. So in other words, Obama and the Democrats turned the entire US health care system upside down and inside out, creating a nightmare for 300 million people, all for the benefit of 10 million people, 84% of whom are receiving subsidies. Wouldn’t it have been easier to have just created a government program for them??

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