Going to Israel For Sukkos? Read this Important Tidbit Before You Go


It’s been weeks of planning and dreaming. Hours of finding the right apartment or hotel, a good deal for the tickets, and packing. And now, you can hardly believe your good fortune, as you’re about to board the flight that will take you straight to a magical experience that no one who’s ever had can properly describe to others. You’re going to Israel for Sukkos.

This Sukkos is your special opportunity to be gently pulled up into a wondrous world very unlike the busy life you lead in America. The shuls in Meah Shearim with rich song and dance spilling out onto the streets by Simchas Bais Hashoeivah… The crowds of Yidden answering a resounding “Amen”, thousands as one, by Birchas Kohanim at the Kosel… Seeing famous Rebbes and Roshei Yeshiva you’ve read about dancing on Simchas Torah through the night, eyes closed and faces glowing…There’s nothing like it, and now, finally, it’s your turn to be there.

You want to be able to spend every minute of the precious, limited time you have there to soak it all in. To create the richest, most meaningful memories and store them for future inspiration when this blessed interval comes to an end, and daily routine starts to march on again. You don’t want to be busy arranging technical matters that could have been taken care of faster in America. You want to live and enjoy every moment, not to be tense from distractions that are so unnecessary.

It would be a terrible waste of a priceless opportunity for you to spend tens of hours that could have been used to energize, uplift and inspire you, fixing your phone’s connection problems so you could call home, or trying to get rid of stubborn problems with your travel insurance. Imagine being robbed of hours of your precious experience by aggravation and frustration that cloud the once magical atmosphere, as you waste your day trying to untangle the difficulties with your travel insurance. Or your car rental and phone, when you don’t know that much Hebrew and are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of how things work there.

You’re painfully aware that you could have been hiking in the Golan, or taking advantage and davening at kivrei tzaddikim… but instead you’re stuck with sticky technicalities and possibly with kvetchy kids, forcing yourself not to think about the dwindling sand in the timer, of how much time this is detracting from your few days here… You try not to feel bitter, but who knows when your next opportunity will be?

That’s why hundreds of people who are also going to Israel for Yom Tov, some of whom have learned the hard way from past mistakes, decided to make sure this wouldn’t happen to them. That they would do all they could to guarantee a smooth ride for their communication, insurance, and car rental needs, and enjoy every minute of their few days or weeks in Israel. They were so pleased to find out that doing all they could for a complication-free time meant only one simple phone call or click of their mouse! They did careful research, and one name kept surfacing again and again: Talk n Travel. An old hand master with years of dealing with every travel need, especially when it comes to traveling to Israel, their customers kept mentioning it to people who didn’t want any complications meddling with their trip.

“It was the first time not one technical difficulty came up for me the whole time while I was there”, Chaim, who flies to Israel frequently for Yom Tov, says. “I couldn’t believe how easy it was to get travel insurance and a prepaid phone plan with a good connection. I’m only using Talk n Travel from now on; no more trial and error for me.”

Your custom plan is patiently waiting for you, yet with Sukkos fast approaching, it’s time for you to claim it. What do you need? A good Israeli phone plan with connection to America, a car rental at a good price, travel insurance so that you know you’re covered in any emergency? With one click, you can get them all, and enjoy the benefits of a smart decision when you revel in the brilliant blue sky and golden Mediterranean sun without a wisp of worry. You can pull out your phone to check in on your family or important contacts, and drive wherever you want to with your compact car rental. Excellent service, great prices, and most of all, no complications to make your trip less wondrous than it could have been.

Do you want a glorious vacation without a single technical distraction? Just click on https://tntexperts.com/reserve-israel-phone-car-gps/ or call 718-305-7007, simply say what you need and enjoy the results; the best Sukkos you’ve ever had.

One Response

  1. Travel insurance is so important, I will never travel without travel insurance and they are so cheap.
    Thanks YWN for the info I just booked my cellphone and insurance for my trip to Isreal this sukkas!

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