New Phone Filter Picking up Steam in the Charedi World


At the beginning of the week, it was the Beth Din of Chabad that joined this trend by announcing that every one of their Hasidim has to guard himself by using the Netspark mobile app. The Beth Din also issued a written edict stating unequivocally that any smartphone holder whether for business or other reasons has to use this proficient and suitable advanced filter.

The move is just another color in the rainbow of the Hasidic world that includes Belz and Viznitz as well as other orthodox entities like TAG and Igud Hakehilot that have made the decision to connect their followers in the USA, Europe, Israel and South America to the advanced filter of NetSpark mobile.


unnamedThe chairman and founder of the company Rabbi Moshe Weiss told us this week, “this is the realization of our dream, having worked for many years and invested millions of dollars to reach the position where there is no reason for a Jew, from any religious sector to continue using a totally unfiltered phone. Today there is a real need to enable people to use their smartphone maximally under strict protection. Our technology is the first that allows this on a high level and all possible within just a few minutes from the moment the decision is made to start operating the app of Netspark mobile.”

Already since the initiation of the Chabad campaign hundreds of Chabad Hasidim have connected to the inventive filtering service through the user-friendly site that Chabad initiated.


However they are not alone, Belz encouraged by their community leaders, decided that all their European and American institutions, will accept students whose parents hold smartphones only if the Netspark mobile filter is installed and this will extend to every smartphone holder whether for business or personal reasons. Consequently the number of new installations in these communities surprised even the optimists among the initiators of this innovation.

In addition, TAG the leading Jewish organization in the field of smartphone protection has launched recently their creative campaign “V’taher” (Come Clean) in which their representatives approach various communities in the USA and Europe with volunteers installing device filters efficiently and quickly for all interested users. TAG has announced that this campaign has met with amazing success with daily increases in the number of installations.

“Why has everybody united behind Netspark mobile?”

“I think that our success has been to create the ultimate filtering platform,” answers Rabbi Weiss. “We don’t make the decision for different entities, communities or individuals what their level of filtering should be and what they are able to view, we leave that to Rabbis, community leaders and expert organizations in this field. We, basically allow the creation of any filtering channel at any required level securely, efficiently and quickly. It turns out that the difference from what was available in the past, is that we deliver a versatile tool to consumers who decide for themselves what they want. Our task is to ensure that whatever was decided, by any sector, will work. We empower individuals and communities to be able to create their own level of filtering that suits their requirements.”

“This we do,” he continued, “in the most efficient possible way, without forcing consumers to buy a specific device or be connected to a specific provider, we work with any android device, every network, internet provider and cellular communication.”

“And with home internet?”


“In Israel we of course have “Rimon” that uses our technology. Correspondingly we are currently working on establishing domestic internet providers throughout the world.” says Moshe Weiss, “We are starting in Belgium upon Belz’s initiative. I am confident that immediately after the Hagim, anyone wanting filtered internet in his home will be able to do so. We are also looking for suitable partners to do the same in the USA, Europe and South America.”

“I hope that within a year or two there will be no concerned Jewish home without our technology, in order that everyone will have protection against unilateral unwanted content. May Hashem ensure that this will be.”

Connections to the app can be made worldwide through representatives of TAG or Israel Connections or the technological representative of your community and of course or

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