Nine Risk Factors That Will Give You a Heart Attack


By Chaim Shulman – medical writer for

Too much cholent and too much kugel can certainly cause heart attacks, but what are the main risk factors that people face in regard to premature cardiovascular illnesses?

A 52 country study called the INTERHEART whose results were recently re-confirmed identified 9 risk factors:

1] Smoking
2] An apo B/A ratio above .90 (these are lipids)
3] high blood pressure
4] diabetes
5] Cholent belly (actually it is called abdominal obesity)
6] bad psycho-social factors
7] No daily fruits and veggies
8] No alcohol intake or excessive alcohol intake (that’s right, modest alcohol intake reduces risks)
9] Less than 30 minutes of physical activity each day

The good news is that each of these nine factors are easily changeable.

What about #2 – the apo B/A ratio? If you follow your doctor’s advice and take your statins – you can bring them in line.

But we really do have to cut out that Shabbos cholent and Shabbos kugel to reduce risk factor #5.

5 Responses

  1. Nobodys cutting out Shabbos chullent or kugel. Thats like messing with metzitza b’peh. Maybe, maybe Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed and perhaps Thursday’s chullent.

  2. Better -cut out the WEEKDAY fatty foods, and eat that Shannos cholent and kugel, l’sheim Shaabos Kodesh, with gusto! Ruchnius and gashmius, with appreciation for both!

  3. You CAN make a healthier cholent, with more veges, alternatives to margarine-filled kishke, etc. Most all of this is correctable with dietary and lifestyle changes. Statins are NOT needed and in fact if you do the research, they are quite risky. If you want to eat according to Torah law, nurture your body while eating according to tradition, and recover your health and healthy balance, check out and

  4. Cholent consists largely of high fiber foods (barley and beans), flavored with some beef (high protein). I seriously doubtg cholent is a problem.

    Kugels can include any ingredients you choose. If you use whole grain noodles and limited use of sugar, the kugel will hardly be especially unhealthful.

    I suspect that the cake one has at kiddush, not to mention drinks with lots of sugar in them (whether natural as in orange juice, or added as in soda), are more of a problem.

    Not to mention lack of exercise

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