Cuomo Tells New Troopers To Expect More Emergency Responses

cuomGov. Andrew Cuomo says the job of state troopers over the next 20 years will include more emergency responses to major storms, cybersecurity threats, evolving terrorism, emerging diseases and other public safety threats.

In an address to 199 graduates of the State Police Academy, families and other troopers, Cuomo says it will be a different job than just enforcing New York’s criminal and traffic laws.

He notes that his father, the late Gov. Mario Cuomo, experienced 11 nationally declared storm emergencies during his 12 years in office, while there have been nine in the past four years.

Speaking Thursday at Empire State Plaza, Cuomo says it’s “inarguable” the climate is changing.

He says they’ll see more weather-related disasters.

The graduates bring the total force of sworn officers to 4,842.


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