Start the New Year Right with a Huge Mitzvah

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It is an integral part of our daily prayers that we daven three times a day in Shmone Esrei for the sick of Klal Yisroel. Beginning on Rosh Hashanah, we make an additional plea for their welfare when we recite Avinu Malkeinu. But to be honest with ourselves, before we turn to Hashem we must first answer the following question:

“What have I done for the cholim of our nation?”

Suffering All Around Us

We all hope it won’t happen to us, but no one is immune to disease. And when illness strikes, the results can be devastating – not only to the patient, but to the family around him or her as well. Sadly, there are many more families in our own community who are suffering from the effects of illness than most of us realize.

Disease affects the patient’s life in so many ways, and all of them must be addressed to alleviate the pain. Chazal tell us that the purpose of the mitzvah of bikur cholim is to ensure that the needs of the patient are taken care of. Our obligation does not stop at making sure the right medicines are being administered. We must also see to it that the patient is receiving the necessary nutrition, emotional support and guidance, and also that his or her financial needs are not falling along the wayside.


A Wholesome Approach

That sums up our mission at Regional Bikur Cholim, where we are dedicated to assisting the sick with all of their needs.

Every patient who calls us receives expert guidance from our crew of trained, professional coordinators. Each case is individually analyzed to indentify the areas of concern for the specific patient and ensure their needs are being met. We offer referrals to appropriate professional caregivers and patient advocacy. We send patients nourishing meals to supplement the hospital food. We offer support and guidance every step of the way as the individual navigates the treatment process.

Regional Bikur Cholim also provides informational literature so that the patient and their family will be knowledgeable about the treatment process and the alternatives available to them. We even offer reading material to help pass the inescapable monotony of lengthy hospital stays.

And there is a whole array of specialized services for unique situations. These include a cancer help line for those dealing with the dreaded disease, offering both information and support to those who seek it. There are special staff members trained to guide the elderly as they go through geriatric care, and a prenatal and “preemie” program for those with special needs in these areas. RBC also sponsors a Crohn’s/Colitis Coalition to keep sufferers of these autoimmune diseases informed and to network with leading specialists in the field.

Perhaps the most outstanding example of RBC’s comprehensive efforts is the family crisis intervention program. Regional Bikur Cholim sees to it that a family suffering from the illness of a loved one does not falter. We offer assistance with general housekeeping, babysitting and tutors to make sure the children do not fall behind. And, as always, we are there with emotional support to help family members overcome the difficulties and stand strong as they endure trying times.


Special Assistance for Mental Health Patients

One area in which Regional Bikur Cholim stands out is in the special assistance we provide for people suffering from metal or emotional health issues. These problems are a disease like any other, yet they suffer from a disproportionate level of stigma. The negative stereotype associated with these types of health issues make it that much more difficult for people to seek the help they need.

It takes tremendous courage to pick up a phone and ask for a referral when someone is depressed or in need of help for a personality issue that is disrupting their lives. Oftentimes it is extremely difficult and painful to face the reality that outside help is needed. Yet the pain of letting these illnesses fester is indescribable.

That is where Regional Bikur Cholim steps in. Our professional staff is trained to handle every aspect of each case sensitively and with the utmost respect for the patient’s needs and dignity. We offer referrals and coordinate with the therapists and counselors to ensure each person receives exactly the care they need. We monitor the patient’s progress and offer encouragement and support throughout.

A Year of Life

As we daven this Rosh Hashanah “זכרנו לחיים… כתבנו בספר חיים טובים” let’s do our part to make sure the sick among us will enjoy another good year of life. Your generous donation makes you an integral share in all our myriad caregiving programs. Your support for the many activities at Regional Bikur Cholim spells all the difference to hundreds of individuals and families in our community, a difference that means LIFE.

Become a “Triple Chai” member by donating $54, three time Chai, as a segulah for a year of Health, Wealth and Nachas from your Children.

Or you can donate $18 for a Year of Life.

Your tefilos this Rosh Hashanah will take on a whole new meaning.

May all of Klal Yisrael enjoy a sweet year of good health.

Donate Now!


Regional Bikur Cholim

PO BOX 1294 MONSEY, NY 10952

Tel: 718-289-0055



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