Preparations for Rosh Hashanah Continue in Earnest in Uman

unnamed (15)Preparations are underway in earnest in Uman for Rosh Hashanah, the largest single annual gathering of Jews in the world.

The Uman Express Company which operates in Uman to accommodate visitors to Rav Nachman’s ZT”L tziyun will be stepping up service to accommodate the large number of mispallalim expected in the city for Rosh Hashanah and during the Tishrei Yomim Tovim. The company provides shuttle service to and from the airport to Uman.

Uman Express CEO Refael Tuvul explains “As is the case annually, this year we are preparing to accommodate the thousands to provide transportation to the tziyun permitting visitors to relax and realize they are in good hands. This year too there will be parking in an area that is a comfortable walking distance to the tziyun without having to navigate a difficult hill as soon as one arrives”.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos: News 24)

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