First it was an IDF soldier from an elite unit being assaulted by Arab women in Nabei Salah. That soldier used restraint after being attacked by Arab women during an effort to arrest a suspect in the area.
The latest incident involves a policeman in Yerushalayim. It appears Arab women have learned how to deal with Israeli law enforcement and security forces. Once again we week how a policeman trying to make an arrest is attacked by a female Arab mob and once again the officer is trying to exercise restraint under very difficult circumstances.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
5 Responses
Jewish women are not shown such respect by them. Had they been Jewish, they would at the very least been beaten and probably molested as well.
Israel needs to learn from the LAPD.
Enough with misguided restraint.
Put those animals in cages where they belong.
Zionists only use force against Jews but show restraint to Arabs.
This is maysim bchol yom