State Dept To Release 7,000 Pages Of Emails, 150 Redacted

hilThe State Department is expected to release roughly 7,000 pages of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails later Monday, including about 150 that have been censored because they contain information that has now been deemed classified.

Department officials say the redacted information was classified in preparation for the public release of the emails and was not identified as classified when Clinton sent or received them. All the censored information in the latest group of emails is classified at the “confidential” level, not at the higher “top secret” or compartmentalized, the officials said.

The State Department plans to post the documents to its website on Monday evening.


One Response

  1. that explanation doesnt pass the laugh test!
    if they are now deemed to be sensitive classified information then they were the same back then when she placed them on her personal email too. a strange twist that its status suddenly became classified doesnt happen 150 times. Sorry, but hillary’s spin masters failed big time, apparently they couldnt come up w/ anything better. she cooked herself

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