Discrimination Against Sephardi Girls in Yerushalayim Continues

csgDeputy Education Minister Meir Porush on recently commented on the discrimination machlokes, insisting there is no discrimination in Betar Illit. When asked to comment on Elad, Porush declined being that his son Yisrael is the mayor.

Kol Chai speaks with Tzvika Cohen, in charge of chareidi education in Jerusalem

How many girls are without a school in the capital?


I would say that there are 23 or 24 today. Among them most are Sephardi, 19 or 20.

I heard the words earlier. Deputy Minister Porush simply is trying to paint the picture in a nice way without addressing the issue

Permit me to explain. The moment we reach the registration deadline, there are 100s of Sephardi girls without a high school and we have teams working on this problem, to get them registered in high school. There are Ashkenazim too, but the overwhelming number are Sephardim. I do not want to get into it with Porush but his statement is not accurate.

I can tell you from firsthand knowledge regarding the Sephardi girls, the father can be learning in a very high level kollel and the family meets the highest of criteria and she is rejected while the parents of an Ashkenazi girls who work is accepted. Yes, there are Ashkenazi girls who are not accepted but most of Sephardi.

Kol Chai

After 2 years in this post, responsible for chareidi education, can you say without any doubt the discrimination against Sephardi girls continue?

Cohen confirms this, giving a few examples to drive the point home.

Kol Chai

Two weeks ago you told us that until September 1st the situation will be rectified.


We are trying. The principals of these schools are being called for hearings at the Education Minister and if they remain defiant, the law will have to do what it is empowered to do.

It is my request and tefilla that these stubborn principals decide to change their minds and adhere to the law and the instructions of the ministry. The city has a play in the matter but the brunt of the matter rests on the shoulders of the Education Ministry. I am not afraid and I will do whatever I must to find a school for these girls.

Kol Chai

Is Deri involved in assisting?


He is directly involved and I speak with him throughout the day. He instructed us to wage an unrelenting war on behalf of these girls. He is the force behind the battle to end the discrimination once and for all.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. There are two sides to this story.

    1) Discrimination in its ugly form against Sephardim

    2) These schools are in fact Ashkenazi created, managed and run schools and they are bursting at the seams and overcrowded.
    This has been going on for years and way back already HaRav Ovadiah ztzl asked of his top men to prioritize the opening of top quality new Sephardi seminaries to also contribute to the education demand and provide an automatic place available to these girls. This still has not happened in an adequate way.

    The seminaries should not discriminate but why are there no Sephardi mosdos being open to provide for their kehillos and compete with the others?!

  2. It does seems bad, but:

    Israel has a continental Mediterranean political system

    An american style media system

    And a british style educational system

  3. @btln
    in lakewood they aren’t being discriminated because they are sefaradi. As the article states, in israel the religious  adherence and  quality of the student is not at all taken into account if the student is sefaradi.
    It a very sad situation. I don’t know how these principals will answer for it after 120.
    No gedolei hador ever backed such a discriminative  practice .

  4. Why wont they follow in rav ovadias example! Open sefardi schools, work to excel! Running after other ashkenazi schools is no answer! Different minhagim, halachos etc make it complicated to teach at many levels! Just whining about this and publicizing this helps no one and won’t change the bottom line!

    I don’t negate the responsibility of the administrators. Just the best for the sefardis would be their own school!

  5. Why these schools are receiving government money to operate
    If you don’t like it fund yourself Oh but they can’t since there parents aren’t working. Or there here collecting

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