There Are 100,000 Talmidim in the Jerusalem Chareidi Education System

chederThere are about 100,000 talmidim registered in the Jerusalem chareidi education system for the 5776 school year. There are approximately 150,000 students in the city’s dati leumi and secular schools in addition to 20,000 students in the Arab sector.

The numbers show the trend of the city becoming increasingly chareidi continues this year as well. The city opened 20 new kindergartens as the number of kindergarten students increased 5% from last year. City Hall has invested NIS 80 million to renovate existing school buildings and five new buildings have been built in the eastern capital. There are 112 new classrooms in the city and 68 new classrooms in junior high and high schools. There are 20 new kindergartens in the chareidi sector.

The statistics show 12,550 students in kindergartens affiliated with the state religious and non-religious school systems which represents a 5% increase (over 550 new students) as compared to last year.

There are 24,849 students in state elementary schools which includes 4,205 in first grade (dati leumi and secular public schools). There is an additional 24,021 students in post elementary schools. The increase in the number of students in state religious and non-religious schools continues as there are 63,632 students in 5776 as compared to 59,349 students in 5772.

Regarding new structures for the chareidi sector, 11 new kindergartens were built and a total of 72 new classrooms for the chareidi sector.

The Jerusalem education system is the largest in Israel with over 268,000 students in the state religious schools, state non-religious schools, chareidi sector and Arab sector. There is a total of over 150,000 students in eastern Jerusalem and over 20,000 students from the eastern capital attending private schools.

And finally, the most popular girl’s name in the chareidi sector is Sara and among boys, David.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. This illustrated the demographic time bomb the zionists fear most. Don’t expect to give up. They will fight the growing hareidi presence. Expect them to fight dirty.

  2. Will Hill: They are Frum and that concerns some Chareidim who are afraid that their kids would know it.

    Most dati leumi Jews are similar to what Frum Jews were before the invention of the Chumrah Jew. They do everything a Chareidi Jews does except they also work and go to the Army.

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