Elul – An Overview

elul2By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times

Since many yeshivos, seminaries and schools are now beginning, and camps and summer vacations are ending – we need to start contemplating what Elul is all about.


Rosh Chodesh Elul has special significance in regard to “second chances.” On Rosh Chodesh Elul, Moshe went back up Har Sinai to receive the second set of Luchos. The second set replaced the first set of Luchos that was broken because of the collective sins of Klal Yisrael. Moshe Rabbeinu spent 40 days and 40 nights there, returning on the tenth day of Tishrei — Yom Kippur. Since that time, these days have been considered yemei ratzon — days in which a person’s teshuvah is more readily accepted.

We can better prepare ourselves for judgment during this time by fulfilling the mitzvos of teshuvah, tefillah and tzedakah.

Each morning during the month of Elul, the shofar is sounded after Shacharis. According to the Gemara in Rosh Hashanah, Moshe Rabbeinu enacted that the shofar be sounded during this time so that Klal Yisrael will not sin again during this time. This minhag helps us in our teshuvah. Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, rules (Igros Moshe OC IV #21) that if a shul forgot to blow shofar at Shacharis they should do so during Minchah.


From the first of Elul until Shemini Atzeres after Sukkos, we recite “L’David Hashem Ori” twice each day. Nusach Ashkenaz says it in the evenings and at Shacharis; Nusach Sephard says it during Shacharis and during Minchah. The pesukim in this perek Tehillim contain allusions to the Yamim Tovim in Tishrei. It was also the tefillah that David HaMelech wrote to be recited when the Aron would be placed in the Kodesh Kodashim in the Beis HaMikdash—where Hashem is enthroned as Master of all Creation. Often, one is at a minyan that has a different minhag than one’s own nusach. It is important to not skip the recitation of L’Dovid Hashem Ori.

Elul is also a time when we can achieve the pinnacle of closeness, dveikus, to our Creator. The letters spelling out the word “Elul” comprise the roshei teivos—initial letters—of Shlomo HaMelech’s words in Shir HaShirim (6:3): “Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li – I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine.” This passuk expresses the yearning of the Jewish neshamah for dveikus Bashem.

During Elul, we perform our mitzvos with greater care and devotion. It is proper to set aside time each day to examine our deeds. Many check their mezuzos and tefillin during this month.


Another zechus that we can gain during the month of Elul is, in both our oral communications and our written ones, to wish others a kesivah v’chasimah tovah — a good writing and sealing. Done with the correct intent, such a greeting is a fulfillment of the Torah mitzvah of v’ahavta l’rei’acha kamocha. This may be categorized under “tzedakah,”which doesn’t just mean charity; it means acts of righteousness, especially toward others. This is also alluded to in the passuk in Megillas Esther — “ish l’rei’eihu u’matanos la’evyonim” — where the first letters spell out Elul again.

During this time, many have the minhag to recite the entire Tehillim twice before Rosh Hashanah. Since there are 150 perakim, saying it twice will equal 300. The gematria (numerical equivalent) of the letters chaf, pay and reish is 300; in Hebrew, these letters make up the word “kaper,” which means “atone.”


The Rav of Kremnasa, Rabbi Avrohom Chacham, zt”l once gave an extraordinary moshol describing this period of time that immediately precedes the Days of Awe. It is a true story and serves as a powerful metaphor as well.

Every spring there was a great fair in the city of Mechuz, a city known for commerce and trade. Every enterprising businessman prepared his wares in anticipation of this great fair. Each merhant thought carefully as to what merchandise to bring; which quality to emphasize, what styles and colors would be in vogue, the quantity to manufacture and or order, and how best to display the merchandise in order to engender the greatest sales volume possible.

Those merchants that were most on the ball made sure to rent the booths facing the center square of the fair. All, of course, were aware that these booths were the most lucrative ones, and the sharpest merchants were the ones wise enough to book these booths well in advance of the fair.

Those that were not as astute still managed to rent some booths on the side streets. Finally, those that woke up at the last minute were unable to obtain booths even in the side streets and had to make do in the worst locales of all. Some merchants did not even prepare at all and came with their wares on the day of the fair itself and planted themselves and their carts in the middle of the arena.

As it happened, on the first day of the fair, many purchasers arrived along with the fair organizers. The carts that were planted in the middle of the arena were quickly removed as they blocked the flow of traffic. Indeed, they were fined considerably for violating the bylaws of the fair. Much of their merchandise was confiscated and they were told to vacate the premises immediately. Facing imminent losses they disposed of their merchandise and wares quite cheaply.

As can be predicted, those that rented the prime booth locations did extraordinarily well, and did enough business to support them for an entire year. Those were not as sharp and had rented booths in the side streets had to work twice as hard to entice customers, and had to substantially reduce their prices and consequently their profit margin. Those with the worst locations had to sell at a loss and barely broke even, some of them even taking a loss.

The parallel is clear.

We must know that true Teshuvah, one that is deep and sincere, does not occur without preparation. It requires sincere perseverance and resolution. It requires a realization well before Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur that this year we will make that effort to go into the Days of Awe with a “business plan” to make this year a truly fruitful one.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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