Jewish Congressman Jerry Nadler Announces Support for the Iran Nuclear Agreement

Nadler.jpgThe following was submitted to YWN by the Nadler office:

Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-10) released a detailed statement announcing his support for the Iran nuclear agreement. In a posting on his website, Congressman Nadler provides a comprehensive explanation of his analysis in coming to this decision, and he strongly condemns the negative public discourse that has emerged around this debate.

Below is a short excerpt from Congressman Nadler’s statement:

“I believe there is one overriding objective against which we must judge the P5+1 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA): preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb.

“Although we know that Iran will remain a major menace to the region and the world, even without nuclear weapons, a nuclear armed Iran would represent an unacceptable threat to the United States, to Israel, and to global security. With respect to this objective, the interests of the United States and of Israel are identical, even as there are different views on how to achieve it.

“I bring to my analysis the full weight of my responsibilities as a member of Congress, and my perspective as an American Jew who is both a Democrat and a strong supporter of Israel. I have sought to ignore the political pressures, as well as the demagoguery and hateful rhetoric on both sides that I think has been harmful to the overall political discourse.

“After carefully studying the agreement and the arguments and analyses from all sides, I have concluded that, of all the alternatives, approval of the JCPOA, for all its flaws, gives us the best chance of stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Accordingly, I will support the agreement and vote against a Resolution of Disapproval.

“I am satisfied that the JCPOA components, including its inspections and verification provisions, are sufficient and are not based on trusting Iranian compliance. While I am concerned that many of the key elements expire in the 10-15 year timeframe, our debate must center on whether the deal is preferable to the available alternatives. The only decision that matters at this moment is whether to support or reject the agreement that is on the table now, not on whether we could or should have gotten a better deal. It has been my duty, therefore, to consider the consequences of supporting or rejecting the JCPOA, and having decided that, to continue to pursue ways to further guarantee the security of the United States and our allies.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. at least now we finally see his true colors. He’s not our voice, he’s obamas voice. He speaks for obama, while abandoning and throwing israel to the wolves. Shame on you Jerrold. We will remember this betrayal! “a strong supporter of israel”. That’s he supports their demise!

  2. Just another”court Jew” doing the bidding of his master, Obama. New Yorkers, please don’t forget this at election time. He sold his own people out, he has to go. This is so insane that he can support this “deal”, after finding out that Iran will police itself. Shame on you Mr. Nadler! You certainly do not represent your constituency. Most Americans are against this “deal”, not just Jews, and you still support it. There are medications that might help you, but I think being recalled would be the best medication.

  3. The Congressman wrote”While I am concerned that many of the key elements expire in the 10-15 year timeframe, our debate must center on whether the deal is preferable to the available alternatives. The only decision that matters at this moment is whether to support or reject the agreement that is on the table now, not on whether we could or should have gotten a better deal. It has been my duty, therefore, to consider the consequences of supporting or rejecting the JCPOA, and having decided that, to continue to pursue ways to further guarantee the security of the United States and our allies.”
    This in itself appears Ridiculous! Why Can We Not Question Whether We Can Get A Better Deal!?!If its a Dangerous Deal With Loop Holes as Well Do Not Accept It! If it EXPIRES in 10-15 Years it DOES NOT GUARANTEE the Security of its allies – it guarantees Greater Danger in the Near Future!

  4. The NY Jewish community shouls send him packing (ie: throw dabum out) in the next wlection. Zachor al tishkach. We will remember, Mr Nadler. You turned your back on your people. Ki im l’es kazos higaat lmalchus. Maybe, just for this reason only you reached your position in government. By the way, how bad does it smell up there? Don’t worry, you will be leaving soon. NEVER FORGET!!

  5. It is now finally clear where Mr. Nadler stands when it comes to politics vs. truth and his own constituents.

    Anyone for or against the Iranian deal, can come out with the same arguments, for or against. The truth of the matter is that this agreement is a professionally coated anti Israel (part of Obama’s) agenda. I’m not a conspiracy thinker. Anyone who followed how Obama had instigated a fight with prime minister Natanyahu and Israel, from the beginning, can see it clearly. Some times he did it professionally (like coming to Israel, funding the iron dome etc.) some times not (like not meeting with him, or leaving the back door, or tearing him down on camera etc. etc.).
    Obama had made this into a war or peace deal, because he knows he can attack anyone that says that war is preferable. Well I got news for you, in Koheles it is written “There is a time for war and there is a time for peace”. War now is preferable to a war later down the road, that is, after Iran builds up their military to unprecedented levels and then instigates against US and it’s allies which will lead to war. Historically, the Vietnam war was initiated under Lyndon Johnson, a liberal (who by the way inherited the circumstances that led to the war from Kennedy another liberal). So yes, war now when Iran is relevantly weak, is preferable to a deferred war when Iran will have $150B poured into it’s war chest and new alliances. It’s not a question IF it will happen, it’s a question of when. Iran wants to dominate, it is the West’s sworn enemy, no deals will change that, as they are saying themselves.
    Obama knows this, but this is exactly what he wants! Everybody who signs on this deal will have blood on his hands.

  6. I don’t think anyone will be honoring this low life anymore unless he votes no. Shame on you!! You don’t come to the toes of Mr. Schumer or Menendez in integrity or honor. Pack your bags ….

  7. hey fellas take a chill!!!! i for sure am against his train of thought, but he aint your puppet and he will vote what he believes is right. whats wrong with that?????between me and you half you guys have no flippin idea what the deal is about, u havent read it…he did maybe he knows what hes talkin about….

  8. “Do not think that you will escape the fate of all the Jews by being in the king’s palace. For if you will remain silent at this time, relief and salvation will come to the Jews from another source, and you and the house of your father will be lost. And who knows if it is not for just such a time that you reached this royal position.”

    Megilla Esther Chapter4

  9. Congressmen Nadler’s decision to support the Iran Deal is, without question, a major blow to the State of Israel and, specifically, to his Jewish constituents !
    Nadler apparently doesn’t realize how he got to where he is and how
    easily he can lose everything !
    Once and for all, we must show our
    political representatives what our clout can achieve !
    from paradise 18

  10. Nadler’s Washington # is (202) 225-5635

    Let’s have non-stop calls to his office. Send this # to everyone on your whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook etc groups and let him hear our voice. As always be respectful but forceful.

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