Melamed Academy: Chinuch without Boundaries


Are you waiting for a school acceptance letter, or seeking a new school for your child?

It’s back to school season, and Melamed Academy ensures no child is left behind.  At Melamed Academy, there is always room in our classrooms – and a special place in our hearts – for every Jewish child. Students study a comparable curriculum to a Yeshiva day school or Bais Yaakov, supervised by frum online teachers. We also accommodate students of diverse backgrounds and kids with learning differences, enabling all to enjoy learning Torah, progress in their skills and knowledge, and earn a high school diploma.

Are you a school principal seeking to fill teacher vacancies?

Melamed Academy also provides services of customized computer-based learning to enhance Torah day school education. Computer-based courses can be very useful as turn-key solutions replacing the need for specialized teachers providing frontal instruction. The computer-based lessons walk the student through the learning process, with interaction and practice, making learning fun. It’s like an instant school, ready to go!


Melamed Academy – The Online Day School for the Torah Community

Melamed Academy is an online Yeshiva day school offering flexible enrollment options, either as a full- time student or on a single course basis for Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade. This innovative nonprofit school was designed to expand the current options of day schools and families while shrinking their expenses.

As a state-registered school in New Jersey, Melamed Academy provides students in any state with credits transferrable to a continuing high school. Alternatively, students can complete their high school diploma at Melamed Academy over 3-4 years. In fact, due to a partnership arrangement between Melamed Academy and accredited colleges, students can earn college credit for both Limudei Kodesh and General Studies, and even graduate high school with a BA degree.


Homeschooled children of elementary school grades benefit from a full curriculum in both Torah and General studies, complete with a recorded davening and parsha projects. The secular studies curriculum includes online and workbook components, with documentation and assessments that can be submitted to local school district authorities, if required.

Families can enroll their children for full Torah studies, secular studies, or both. It’s ideal for a child to receive his or her chinuch in a Torah day school environment, but sometimes that isn’t an option. That generally leaves the parents with the choice of homeschooling or sending a child out of town. Now we’ve added an option: the child can study at home and still receive a structured course of study, culminating in a recognized high school diploma.




My Melamed Enrichment Programs

Yeshivos and Bais Yaakov schools use Melamed Academy courses in their classrooms, resource rooms, and for individual student needs, such as course recovery. Our customized courses empower schools to offer differentiated learning tracks or multiple leveling in a single classroom.

And, for the students who are interested in a high school equivalency program, Melamed Academy has low-priced prep course packages for GED, TASC, and HiSET exams.


Melamed’s Customizable Courses

Melamed Academy is proud to be partnering with established yeshivos, as well as emerging and growing Jewish communities to service their elementary and high school students – as the virtual classroom teacher. Now, principals don’t need to worry about vacant teacher positions, or if there is the requisite minimum enrollment needed to guarantee the school’s viability. Multiple classes can be easily supervised in one room without sacrificing any academic quality. Every student receives a course on his level, which progresses along with their ability and accomplishments.



Melamed Kosher Computers

Completing the package, Melamed Academy ensures compatibility to chinuch standards and maintaining a protected environment from internet pollution. Melamed provides the option of our own kosher Chromebooks laptops which provide full internet protection, regardless of the internet service to which the device connects. Students will only access their lessons and designated educational resources.


Value Pricing – Breaking the Cost Barrier

Tuition prices are subsidized: $1000 for a school year of full Torah studies, $1000 for a school year of full General studies. Individual courses cost $200-$300 per subject for the entire school year. School supplies for Elementary cost $100 + $30/per month, including workbooks and packages with project materials. Kosher computers can be purchased from Melamed for $300, including headphones, case, and mouse.


Melamed Academy College Program

A complete accredited BA degree from a choice of state colleges, including up to 84 credits from Torah subjects costs less than $6000 (before federal aid and income tax refund). The Melamed Academy BA program is available to students of all ages, and a high school diploma is not required.


Melamed Academy Career Training Center

At Melamed Academy High School, students are prepared for high salary careers in technology related fields.  All internet-related projects are conducted on Melamed’s  own “sandbox” websites, sheltered from the general public’s view. Students study all their courses on kosher computers, completely protected from browsing any outside websites. Many courses lead to certification, enabling the students to have marketable skills upon graduation. These courses are also available to adult students, and can be completed in 3 months. And the price – $300!

For more information, visit or call (732)228-8800.


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