New Song From Avraham Fried STOLEN and DISTRIBUTED – This is his Response

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The news broke Tuesday that someone seemingly stole a song from the studio where Avraham Fried was recording and sent it out to the world on Whatsapp and email.

The song is title Ribon Ha’Oilomim.

Fried just released a statement saying “I am shocked that this song was released without my knowledge and without my approval. This song, when complete is intended to be included in my next Hasidic album. I suggest those who released the song without my knowledge – ask me for forgiveness before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.”


10 Responses

  1. Kol hakavod

    Can depend on Avremela to always speak with pleasantness, no finger pointing, rhetoric, anger, or hostility. Much to be learned from this mensch.

  2. Either this is a sick new way of copying goyish music’s promotion tactics, or the studio engineers may have had a dispute over money.
    Usually these stories end up being something completely different then what was originally alleged.

  3. It isn’t halachicly correct to term copying non-tangible goods as geneiva. Non-tangible goods are protected by hasagas gvul, but hasagas gvul is a different issur than geneiva.

  4. Brooklynhocker might be on to something. It could be a warning. I wonder if the other songs are being held. It would be interesting to have a choshen mishpot dayan paskin as to who actually owns the songs before it is put on a CD and without a specific contract spelling out all the details.

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