Tuesday Was a Day of Attacks on Har HaZeisim

hhaTuesday, 3 Elul, was another day of attacks against Jews coming to and from Har HaZeisim. There were massive rock-throwing attacks and attempted lynches. Many Jews made their way to the area since the day marked the 80th yahrzeit of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook ZT”L.

Thousands visited the kever during the day and as evening moved in, the Arabs waited in ambush. Five people were injured in one attack against a bus and a number of private vehicles. A number of windows on the vehicles were smashed as well. B’chasdei Hashem all of the injuries were described as light.

Meetings continue amid continued promises from Israel Police to step up security but the situation as it stands remains unacceptable and dangerous. Ironically Har HaZeisim is the only cemetery in Jerusalem with available below ground plots today but few are willing to have a loved on buried there due to the dangers associated with visiting the kever.

The four children injured in rock attacks were transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital where they were treated and released during the night.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. The Government just doesn’t care. The atheists in control don’t believe in afterlife. As long as the theaters & gay clubs are protected, that’s all that matters.

  2. hello i was actually there on Tuesday the 3Rd of ELUL for my Bobbies Yortzeit (Frumma bas Banish & Leah from Lomza)

    and something strange is going on over there
    Tuesday was the Yortziet of HaRav (KOOK 80 years)

    i go there at least 2 times a year

    i have had broken windows along the way some years
    BUT THIS YEAR things were different the BIG GATES WERE LOCKED THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN LOCKED IN THE PAST https://www.google.com/maps/place/Western+Wall/@31.7737581,35.2410665,216m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x150329c939ceab8f:0x83ad5efed1777179

    its an official parking lot for Har Hazasim (even google show it as a parking lot
    those gates were closed so i honked and honked no one came out of the “Private Security” guard tower so i parked in the nearby Jewish community of Nof Hazeisim across the road and walked back to visit her Kever (most people do not even know there are now 100 Families living across the Kever)

    i went over to the Guards as i usually do and say hello to give them the Koved for guarding the place if they were not there i might not be going there (in the years past they had the closest source of clean water to do a proper Netilas Yadayim) just outside the Kever area so i kept up going and saying hello to them

    and asked them whats up with the locked door and i saw inside that from their many Security screens they were able to see my license plate number and for sure my concerned face as i am honking my horn attracting even more attention to my self among the many arabs all around
    outside the gates
    they told me they did not hear me honk but would have let me in if they did!!!!!

    something is not right here

    there is more to this and someone should with the right intentions check this out

  3. BTW i just confirmed that the gate closing was not a one day story but its been locked close for about a month (i will try to get a picture of the locked GATES it was kind of ominous

  4. Are you going to tell me that with all the firepower and sophisticated armaments that Israel, it can not protect a cemetery ???

    The real reason is that the Govt. is anti-religious. The more times I hear this story, the more I am inclined to lean towards anti-Zionists. Someone tell bi I that they will bomb his grave after 120.

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