Chareidim Want Some Gender Segregated Services in Pisgat Ze’ev

tzniThe chareidi population in the Pisgat Ze’ev neighborhood of northern Jerusalem continues to grow, and with this comes additional demands. Representatives of the chareidi community have turned to the local minhelet (neighborhood government) requesting separate hours in the community library as well as in the minhelet office and the community pool. Opponents feel there are sufficient separate services in frum neighborhoods of the capital and there is no reason to begin the practice in Pisgat Ze’ev.

Some residents explained to ‘MyNet’ that the request is nothing short of “chutzpah”, explaining the character of the community is secular so there is no reason to begin instituting such practices. They explain there are more than enough city services in other areas providing gender separation to begin accommodating such requests in their community.

Minhelet official Ronen Ben-Yair is not in agreement and he feels there is no reason not to accommodate the gender separated hours in some of the community’s services in light of the fact the chareidi tzibur is sizable. He feels that the community has reached a certain size and this brings entitlement, including services that accommodate the life style of those residents.

The head of the minhelet in Pisgat Ze’ev, Ehud Rambach, told Yediot Yerushalayim that he did not receive the request personally and he personally is opposed to separate hours for men and women since this is not in line with the character of the community. He explained “When the pool opens, it is possible there will be separate hours for men and women without any connection to religious considerations”.

City Hall responded, explaining the libraries around the city are the responsibility of the city and to date, no official request was received regarding separate hours for men and women in the Pisgat Ze’ev library.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Then the Chareidim want to know why they aren’t wanted, when they move into formerly secular neighborhoods.

    When a person goes to a store, office, library, or whatever, they want to know its hours.
    Now they have to figure out gender hours too!
    Unfortunately, that’s just one legitimate reason why non-chareidim don’t want them in their community!

  2. “When the pool opens, it is possible there will be separate hours for men and women without any connection to religious considerations”

    Huh? So then, why have separate hours at all?

  3. requesting separate hours in the community library Then how does Dad take his daughter or graddaughter? & how does Mum take her son & grandson? Let alone for man & wife together? or brother & sister together!!

  4. Have children & adults go to the library, or community center & offices do their business & leave.

    E/o goes to a coed DMV, bank, laundromat, library, small claims court, police station, dr & medical offices, eating places & then leaves in the USA.. What is the point to antagonize others?

    Pool should have separate hours that are reasonable for all with the bulk for the secular community who lived there first…

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