Barkat Closes a Deal to Bring Leon into the Jerusalem Coalition

nbaIn a move that has many surprised, a deal has been closed between Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and Yisrael Beitenu leader MK Avigdor Lieberman by which their parties will merge. At present, Leon heads the opposition in the city coalition.

There are reports that after losing the mayoral race, Lieberman, who backed Leon, began working his political knowhow, which in part led to the deal which includes Leon receiving a powerful portfolio in the local cabinet. Leon’s Likud/Beitenu party will join Barkat’s coalition and he will be given control of the minhal, the local government that run the neighborhoods of the capital.

Iti Gutler of the combined Labor/Meretz list is also expected to come on board, replacing Meretz Councilman Pepo Allalu who is leaving politics.

Some see the deal with Leon as a gesture by the mayor towards mending fences with the chareidi parties since Leon was a favorite of the chareidim in the mayoral race.

The mayor’s party holds only four seats on the council, which results in logistical difficulties when the mayor wishes to push something through the council. The additional seat will assist the mayor in his future efforts.

Some add the deal was helped along by the mayor’s advisor on chareidi affairs Avraham Kroizer.

Both Leon and the mayor’s office declined comment on the reported deal.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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