Photo Essay: Hafganos Against The Digging of Kevarim in Beit Shemesh (Photos By DJN)

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2 Responses

  1. These rabble rousers & troublemakers attack IDF, police, terrify local residents & disrupt our daily lives. Go back to wherever you came from! We don’t want you here. If you stood quietly all day, every day, & said Tehillim, you would gain the respect of RBSA residents. But you don’t. You burn garbage cans, you curse at us (including local chareidim) you make a filthy mess ….& then you get on your buses & drive back to your caves.

    This is NOT the way to succeed. Whether or not you are halachically correct is, at this point, irrelevant to many residents. It’s the way you go about getting your message across. Children coming out of school can’t get home & are frightened and crying. Traffic is congested because you block the streets. For all your protests (RIOTS) you aren’t achieving anything. Leave RBSA alone and start harrassing somewhere else. Perhaps Elad, where children aren’t allowed in schools. Fight for those children.

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