Popular Frum Dating Site ZivugZone Welcomes 6,000th Member


ZivugZone is celebrating another milestone in its ongoing growth. ZivugZone recently welcomed it’s 6.000th member. Since the site launched in the summer of 2012 over 1 million pages have been viewed and, in addition, messages (either sent or received) were viewed over 200,000 times. Moshe Coan, the founder of ZivugZone.com credits word of mouth as the biggest reason for ZivugZone’s continued expansion. He stated, “I hear from members who reach out to me about dates they were on that led to them getting engaged. I wish them a mazal tov. Fast forward several months, and hear from other singles who, in the course of asking questions about ZivugZone, make mention of their being referred by that very same engaged couple. They are grateful to the engaged couple for referring them.”

Moshe also attributed shadchan awareness as a factor for the ZZ buzz. He stated, “I have cultivated relationships with dozens of shadchanim over the last 3 years. We help each other out in a reciprocal fashion. I send out resumes to over 90 shadchanim who themselves maintain their own private resume lists. That way, the ZivugZone singles get wide exposure to a very large pool outside of ZivugZone.” (Singles interested in this program (which is called the ShadchanZone) need to first register a profile on ZivugZone.)

Mr. Coan cited several reasons why ZivugZone, and other frum dating websites, have achieved such popularity in recent years. He exclaimed, “It’s not just those who meet their bashert that benefit from being on ZivugZone. Even if a two singles who meet on ZivugZone go out on a date and it turns out not to be shayach (suitable), either one of these two individuals may have a friend offsite who would be a great match for the other one. Therefore, the exposure level increases greatly simply by being on the site. Moreover, I have been told by members of ZivugZone that they actually have their friends in mind when they view profiles. If they see a resume they think is not for them but would be a great match for their friend, they go ahead and tell their friend. Chesed at work!”


On a final note, Mr. Coan cited an unappreciated side benefit of shadchan involvement on the site. He explained, ‘If two people go out on a date on ZivugZone, it is protocol that they ask their shadchanim to act as intermediaries and facilitators, at least for the first date or two. Let’s say the match never materializes into an engagement. These two shadchanim (who represented these two respective singles) have really gotten to know the other single (the one they didn’t represent). Using their own personal database of profiles, these shadchanim can then suggest shidduchim ideas to these two singles from their own database.”

Moshe Coan encourages the Yeshiva World News readers to please tell their single friends and family about ZivugZone. By doing so, they may be the vehicle to help their friend and loved find their soulmate.

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