Guinness Book of Records: Largest Shabbos Meal

shabbosA record for the “largest Shabbat dinner” was set in Berlin on July 31, 2015, arranged and hosted by Makkabi Deutschland. The event was part of the 14th European Maccabi Games with more than 30 nations taking part. It was the first Maccabi Games in Europe in 79 years, bringing together thousands of athletes from around the world. The last European Maccabi Games was held in 1936.

This record-breaking meal included 2,322 guests. Each guest wore a bracelet on his hand to facilitate counting the participants for Guinness. The hotel’s kitchen was ready, having prepared 3,000 meals.

The participants seeking to break the record had to serve the first course to the 210 tables within 5 minutes after motzei was made.

The previous record of 2,226 Shabbos guests was set in 2014 in the Port of Tel Aviv, in hanger 11. Organizers worked for almost a year to raise funds and set up the Shabbos meal.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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