10,000s of Yeshiva Bochrim And Avreichim Return to Limudim Across Eretz Yisrael Following Bein Hazmanim

yeshTens of thousands of avreichim, talmidei yeshivos and talmidei torah are returning to beis medrash and schools around Eretz Yisrael as the chareidi system opens the 5776 school year today, 2 Rosh Chodesh Elul, beginning the ‘Elul Zman’.

There are approximately 35,000 talmidim in yeshivos gedolos and an additional 30,000 in yeshivos ketanos. There are 75,000 avreichim learning in kollels and at least an additional 55,000 students reportedly in talmidei torah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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