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Naftali Bennett Announces his Solution to the Giyur Dispute

benBayit Yehuda party leader Education Minister Naftali Bennett told Haaretz that he is going to work to reinstate the giyur reform that was eliminated by the current administration. The giyur reform was pushed in the last Knesset by Elazar Stern, backed by Bayit Yehudi. This administration, as per coalition agreements with the chareidim, dissolved those reforms, returning exclusive control over giyur in the hands of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

Bennett told Haaretz corresponded Lior Ettinger that he is opposed to the establishment of an alternative independent beis din for giyur but he is nonetheless pleased the issue is once again in the headlines. He explained that he plans to try to negotiate a compromise by which the control of giyur will once against be in the exclusive hands of the Chief Rabbinate while the latter would agree to extend its authority to others. He warns if this is not accepted, just as a beis din was announced this week, others will follow suit and open their own batei din for giyur which he fears will lead to the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state. “We did not return to become a Jewish state in Eretz Yisrael to have steitels of different kehillos” he concluded.

Bennett was then asked to comment on Rabbi Chaim Druckman’s Shlita remarks in which he warned the establishment of an independent beis din will lead to the destruction of Torah. Bennett stated “In my eyes Rabbi Druckman is an awesome person and rav, and I have respect and admiration for him. After what those people who stand behind the Chief Rabbinate of Israel today did to Rabbi Druckman, to the converts of Rabbi Druckman, a lack of respect towards Rabbi Druckman. It may be that he is not stringent regarding his honor and has been moichel them but I am not moichel his honor, especially regarding the matter of the converts”.

Bennett explains he remains optimistic and hopes the religious reforms passed into law during the last administration will be accepted again today.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. So in a nutshell, Bennett is announcing that

    1) he is openly planning on breaking the coalition agreement he signed

    2) he doesn’t really follow the shitos of R” Druckman, or any other Dati Leumi Rabbonim for that matter. Apparently his motto is “ish ha’yashsar bi’aynav yasah.”

    Oh, and what exactly is “control of giyur will once against be in the exclusive hands of the Chief Rabbinate while the latter would agree to extend its authority to others” supposed to mean? Is that just political doublespeak for trying to hedge a bet?

  2. Someone should inform Mr. Bennett that he is violating many איסורי דאורייתא with his haircut! His Payos are down to the skin !!

  3. Hi Stam a Deya,
    I think that it’s just the angle of the photographer’s lens. From side photos, you’ll see that MK Bennett has peyos according to halacha.

    Chodesh tov!

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