Free Shalom Workshop Seminar for Married Couples

ShalomWorkshopinstagramDo you want to have a healthier, happier and more fulfilling marriage? Since its inception seven years ago, the Shalom Workshop has taught over 2,000 couples the art of effective communication, and helped them take their marriage to the next level.

Shalom Workshop will once again be partnering with Chazaq, this time to present “Food, Fundamentals and Fun” — a not-to-be-missed event. Couples married seven years or less will have the opportunity to learn and practice the Shalom Workshop tools as part of a full-day marriage seminar featuring a stellar program of presenters. , including Mr. Dov Edell, LMFT; Mrs. Judy Silverman; Rabbi Moshe Sokoloff, and Mrs. Rivki Rosenwald. Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld, Morah D’Asra of Kew Gardens Hills will deliver the opening remarks.


Additionally, the event will be graced by two renowned Keynote Speakers: Rabbi Yakov Horowitz of Project Y.E.S. will deliver the Keynote Address on “For The Sake Of Your Children – Invest in Your Most Important Relationship.” For her Keynote Address, Dr. Sara Barris, Clinical Psychologist, will speak on “After the Honeymoon –Fostering a Lifetime of Intimacy.”

Among the highlights of this highly anticipated event are a gourmet buffet lunch, with Special Guest Appearance; the comedic talent of stand-up comedian Eli Lebowicz, who will serve as Emcee (be forewarned – you won’t stop laughing!); the Keynotes; the Perfect Matches Game (we love it!), and the fact that it’s a full day to really incorporate the skills couples will learn to make the most of their marriage long after the wedding is over.

What distinguishes this year’s event from those held in the past is its format. Instead of a four hour workshop, given by one presenter, Shalom Workshop has organized a full day seminar, with presentations by some of their most popular presenters, as well as renowned keynote speakers. This will give the participants the opportunity to learn, practice, and incorporate the new skills, in an unhurried, fun environment.


The Shalom Workshop is a highly successful education program that aims to provide engaged and married couples with tools for a healthy and successful marriage. Over 2000 couples have attended this innovative workshop that teaches them how to increase understanding and sensitivity to each other’s feelings, communicate effectively, build a sense of mutual respect, promote self-confidence in each other, utilize valuable tools for conflict resolution, and gain better financial awareness.
“Our mission is to help couples make their good marriages better,” says Mrs. Basya Kovacs, Director of Shalom Workshop. We believe that just like driving lessons, tennis lessons, and music lessons, communication is a skill that can be fine -tuned with guidance and practice.”

It’s a fact of life that young couples today face more demands than ever before. The typical complex marriage – managing two careers while raising children – requires that couples have very strong, well-established abilities to communicate, resolve issues, maintain mutuality, and set goals. Without this foundation it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by stress and time pressures. Problems can intrude much more easily than many couples realize. Marriage education can function as immunization that boosts a couple’s capacity to handle potential difficulties. According to a U.S. Advisory Committee on Marriage, pre-marital education could help reduce divorces by as much as 30%.


This workshop is an important addition to traditional Chassan/Kallah classes. Participants emerge with a deeper self-knowledge and the tools to build a happy, successful, and long-lasting marriage. It teaches the art of effective communication and gives engaged and married couples practical tools to achieve their relationship potential. The ability to meet each other’s emotional needs helps build a strong foundation for a fulfilling marriage.

“Shalom Workshop is unique in a number of ways,” says Mrs. Kovacs. “First of all, while many couples have the opportunity to learn about Shalom Bayis in Chassan/Kallah classes, the Shalom Workshop may be the first time they are learning these topics together as a couple. The importance of having both the husband and the wife on the same page cannot be overstated. Also, our workshop is evidence-based and practical, as opposed to being theoretical. It teaches skills and provides a toolkit to address the common concerns that arise in nearly every marriage. Our program is also unique in that it is completely free, and workshops are scheduled at times and locations that are convenient for the couple.”

“Our participants have shared with us that after taking the workshop, they feel more empowered to navigate the ups and downs of everyday life. It is always gratifying when we receive calls from couples married several years, asking for a refresher course to relearn the skills they were taught when they were engaged. Of course we are thrilled to accommodate such requests. One couple shared with us that they knew they weren’t communicating well, but didn’t know what to do about it, and couldn’t afford therapy. After taking the workshop, they are arguing less, and feeling closer and more connected.”


Dr. Alan Singer, Executive Director of Shalom Task Force adds, “There is no downside in this workshop. Positive indicators increase by 30% for our workshop. It is no guarantee of long term marital success but it helps. Healthy marriages are nurturing marriages. Another point we make is that when you think there may be trouble, get help. How sad that two-thirds of divorcing couples don’t even get one hour of counseling. While Shalom Workshop does not take the place of therapy, we can help your marriage grow and be mutually nurturing!”

The feedback Shalom Workshop receives from participants is overwhelmingly positive, with over 99% of participants saying they would recommend this workshop to a friend. To quote a recent workshop attendee, married for six years: “Attending a Shalom Workshop is the best thing I have ever done for my marriage. My only regret is that I didn’t attend a workshop sooner.’”

Couples married for seven years or less are invited to participate in the Shalom Workshop which will take place this Sunday, August 16, 2015, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm at Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, 150-05 70th Road; Flushing, NY 11367.
This workshop is fully subsidized; there is no fee.


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