Bayit Yehudi Leader’s Position on Jewish Terrorism Surprises Many

benSpeaking with Galei Yisrael Radio’s Kalman Lipskind on Sunday 24 Menachem Av, Bayit Yehudi party leader Education Minister Naftali Bennett explained that if there is substantial proof, then administrative detention must be used against suspected Jewish terrorists, emphasizing the use of this means cannot be abused.

“There must be a balance between one’s individual rights and Israel’s security and preventing attacks. I stand behind my position that administrative detention may be used with great caution”.

However what really surprised listeners was not this, but Bennett’s response when he was asked about the same punishment against Jewish and Arab terrorists, including razing homes and the death sentence, Bennett responded “yes, of course”. He stated that “if there is a trend, once again and we must highlight this, I have yet to see such proof, but assuming there is a trend, we must use parallel measures”.

Lipskind during the interview clarified and asked a second time if this includes the death penalty, to which Bennett stated “yes, certainly”.

It is added that when a bill was voted upon in Knesset to permit using the death penalty against Arab terrorists, the Bayit Yehudi party opposed the bill.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. At this time, following a spate of horrible crimes carried out by otherwise observant Jews, a statement like this is exactly what is needed. There are certainly more self-aggrandizing extremists out there who think that they will be serving the Jewish people, God and the Torah by committing such atrocities. The leadership must impress upon them the severity with which the tzibbur views such actions. They must understand that their communities will view them as villains, not as the heroes that they imagine themselves to be.

  2. Bennet DOES NOT belong to Bayit Yehudi,
    He is not a Yehudi,Finally the mask came off .He belongs to
    Bayit Erev Rav ,Hellenist, Traitor ,low life ,scumbag pigs,
    Meretz Party.
    He should be immediately expelled from the party or
    all the party member should leave and make a new party.
    THERE IS NO ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE that the Duma killing was
    done by jews.2 arab clans are fighting in that village.

  3. Makes sense. A Jewish terrorist could possibly be considered a rotsayach, putting the entire kehilla in danger. Obviously gedolim would have to pasken, but I can see where this would make sense.

  4. Ignoring for a second the kangaroo courts and that the judges are lackeys and cohorts of the cops “administrative detention” is a grossly mislabeled expression. It does NOT mean placing a person in restraint who is likely to commit a crime. What is does mean is that the cops can jail whoever they want, and the accused has no right to explain his position. Take a good look at the cops and ask yourself do you want them to make, all by themselves, the decision to jail somebody.

  5. This should not be a surprise to anyone who actually understands modern orthodox religious Zionism. I commend Bennett for these stands.

  6. “if there is substantial proof”

    For instance, what is substantial proof? A photo of R. Meir Kahane on a dining room wall? A tefillah for Shalom Medinah without Arabs? Living on a hilltop?

    Wouldn’t substantial proof include fingerprints, reliable witnesses, eavesdropping of information about an attack.. what is substantial??!!??

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