Clinton: 2016 Rivals Leave Her ‘In State Of Disbelief’

Hillary Clinton testifiesHillary Rodham Clinton says she’s often in a “state of disbelief” from what she hears from some of her 2016 presidential rivals.

Speaking in Los Angeles Thursday, where she met with home health-care workers, Clinton said she often doesn’t understand statements from other candidates that oppose policies that would improve conditions and pay for those workers.

She said: “I don’t know what world they live in.” Clinton said she finds herself asking: “They said what?”

The front-runner for the Democratic nomination never mentioned any rival candidates by name, although her remarks came on the night of the first Republican presidential debate.

She said: “It’s truly amazing to me. I’m constantly in a state of disbelief.”


3 Responses

  1. Really? You are so use to getting a pass on your lies that now you are being attacked. Sure it’s disbelief. But that is what we felt all along about you. How you could get away with it
    Clinton manic is gone

  2. Oooh poor old Bubbe! If you think your only strategy to be coronated is to play the “war on women” by those Evil White Racist Republican Males, card, you are in for a rude awakening. No one “forced” you to become the next President. You yourself said, you enjoy spending time with your Grandchild and baking chocolate chip cookies.
    Even O’malley went after the DNC & Hillary yesterday. The Obama’s hate the Clintons and will make sure Madam doesn’t win. Its team Obama that keeps “leaking” & keeping alive these Hillary scandals. They know she’s a nothing & that is why they will push the more likable Uncle Joe to run.

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