An Open Letter to Senator Schumer

The following [unedited] is a letter submitted to YWN:

Dear Senator Schumer,

Every once in a while, there comes a time when a person’s entire life, his entire destiny becomes crystal clear.

This was the case with Winston Churchill.

Hashem had placed him as the man to rally his nation to fight against Hitler. Hashem had ensconced him as leader of Great Britain in order to rally the free world against this raving madman.

Sir Winston Churchill had the choice as to whether to meekly oppose the forces of tyranny and evil or to rally against it with all that he had.

My dear Senator, you too have this choice.

During these three weeks since this Iran deal has been announced you have carefully studied it and you have concluded that you will individually oppose it. You can do this, and thus passively allow the president to veto Congress’s rejection.

Or you can choose to fulfill your obvious destiny, a destiny you say that your own mother had foretold.

At this past Agudah dinner held in May, that you had attended and addressed, you and the Novaminsker Rebbe shared the same message. In the two hundred dinners that I have attended, never in my life have I heard the same message from both a Gadol haDor and a politician.

Senator Schumer, you say your name is Schumer because you are the “Shomer Yisroel.”

Your task, your life mission is clear. It is not the politics that politicians play, but it has got to be real and genuine.

You must rally and lead. You must call every single democratic senator to override the president’s future veto. You must work the phones, day and night. You must not rest until you have lobbied, convinced, and cajoled every democratic senator on your speed dial.

Blast them with emails. Text them. Call them. Use every means at your disposal for this is your true mission.

Don’t have the staff? We will help you. Every single one of your Jewish constituents and our readership will volunteer in this task.

Donald Trump is in the headlines every day saying some message. Where are you?

Where is the Shomer Yisroel that you spoke about at the Agudah Dinner?

If your name truly comes from “Shomer – Guardian” then I direct you to a prayer that we recite daily. The prayer has been modified, but if there is any sincerity in what you stand for, you must follow it.
Schumer, Schumer, Yisroel, Shmor sheris yisroel. V’al yovad, v’al yovad yisroel, haOmrim Shma Yisroel.

Schumer, Schumer, guard the remnant of Israel. And let them not be destroyed, Let Israel not be destroyed – those who recite the Hear O’ Israel.
This deal, by the standards that you yourself have proclaimed at that May Agudah dinner, is a tragc failure.

You spoke about inspections, “any where and any time.. unannounced. You said it should be even at new and previously unknown places..

Where is your voice? Your voice, once so eloquent and so proud?

You spoke of sanctions not ending on the first day but all of them only ending when Iran meets a checklist. Where is your voice? Why have you not worked the phones on this matter?

You spoke of the concept of a snap back provision that would effectively deter the Iranians.. But this snapback is just too weak. So where is your voice?

Senator Schumer, way back in December of 2013, you assured us – and these are your words, “…Democrats and Republicans are going to work to see that we don’t let up on these sanctions, as this agreement did, until Iran gives up not only all nuclear weapons, but all nuclear weapon capability, all enriched uranium, all the centrifuges, and all the heavy water reactors at Arak.”

Senator, please recall the words that Mordechai spoke to Esther his niece when she was placed in the seat of government, “Al Tedami Benafshech lehimalet Bais HaMelech – Do not imagine your soul that you will be able to escape.. any more than the rest of the Jews.. For if you persist in keeping silent at a time like and your father’s house will perish..”

Senator, Churchill once said, “To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”

Senator, we are waiting for you to not just to oppose this deal and vote no, but to actively campaign against it. Every day you delay, every moment you push it off, every second of silence – is a violation of the Torah commandment, “Do not stand idly by your brother’s blood..”

May Hashem give you the strength to make the right decision.


Shmuel Soiferman

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN


6 Responses

  1. Well said.

    May I add that if Mr. Schumer wants to be the next Democrat leader of the Senate, replacing the old curmudgeon Harry Reid, then let him show leadership. Being a lapdog for Obama doesn’t show leadership. It shows cowardice, subservience and a lack of moral clarity to do what is right.

    Mr. Schumer you are better than that. You have a real good Neshama. A yiddisher Neshama. Use it to the best of your abilities to lead the Senate against this terrible deal.

  2. that is precisely the reason why Schumer opposes the deal!

    he doesn’t lose the Jewish vote, and he doesn’t derail the presidents agenda

  3. I have zero faith in nearly every Democrat in public office. Obama y”sh has established a trend (it existed before him but he made it rock solid) that one is first a representative of the Democrat, liberal policy, and somewhere low on the list, a representative of an electorate. Obama has a dictate that governs his every move, and it is evil, and against the best interests of America. The members of Congress who come from the Democratic party are no longer voting the will of their constituents. They are only following the will of their guru, the fuhrer, Herr Obama. It’s all about party politics, and never about anything else anymore.

    Schumer has made his position all about being an Obama puppet. No originality, no moral guide, no care about the voters he represents. He has no backbone, no conscience, no mind of his own. Just review the bills he has sponsored or cosponsored. All about trivia. Nothing at all about the major issues that we face every day. He spoke publicly about some of the major issues of the day, always telling people what they want to hear, as if his scripts were written by his audiences. Back in the chamber, he was just another Obama echo, and in that, he has proven to be a complete disgrace. He is unworthy of public office.

    The writer here hopes that Schumer will become a voice to stop the train wreck of the Iran deal. Don’t hold your breath. Obama would not allow that, and Schumer would never anger his fuhrer.

    American politics has deteriorated to become about an individual and his personal desires. Morality has been banished from Washington, and the structure of our government as having representatives who vote for us has been relegated to the junk heap. I thank the Democratic Party for this. Our tzaddikim of several generations ago forecasted this. We are witnessing this. Nothing but tefilo will help. The political system is broken beyond repair. Schumer is part of the problem. Open letters that suggest he be part of the solution are just a passing fantasy. I hope he is reading this. He is an empty suit. I wish him success in another career.

  4. Nice letter, but don’t hold your breath!!!

    He is a politician, and the only work he did in the past 3 weeks is to figure out the best way to say no (not to lose the Jewish votes) but stay loyal to Obama and make sure not to rock the boat so the veto can stand!!!
    Just read what he wrote carefully and u will see that he recognizes that this deal is a fraud yet he is very passive about it. How could one be so passive about something so dangerous???

    Typical politician!!!!

  5. this whole shomer yisroel shtick makes me sick. there is only one shomer yisroel and his name isnt chuck. keep davening. mordechai continued davening even after his famous ride with haman. so a lifetime politician probably worked out some backroom deal to preserve his base. dont be complascent.

    i will only believe he is truly against the deal if he now actvely, loudly and publicly advocates that other democrats also vote no.

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