Senator Gillibrand Says She Will Support An ‘Imperfect Iran Deal’

iraThe following was given to YWn by Senator Gillibrand:

Beginning in 2010, I helped champion in Congress an aggressive and punitive series of sanctions against Iran because we faced an Iranian nuclear program that was spinning unchecked and out of control. The Iranian regime with a nuclear weapon posed – then and now – an existential threat to the State of Israel, and dangerously threatens our own national security interests.

Bottom line: Iran possessing a nuclear weapon would be a game-changing event that cannot and will not be allowed. That was true then – and it remains true today.

The question before us now is whether this deal is the best way to reach our goal, or whether the best way forward is continued Congressional sanctions, even as other nations around the world begin to lift their own. To date, the sanctions the U.S. led the global community to impose worked: they crippled Iran’s economy and compelled its leaders to face us at the negotiating table.

By including China, Russia, and our European partners, this crushing economic pressure, combined with diplomacy, has produced an unprecedented combination of ways to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Just as important, inspectors will have unprecedented access to Iran’s facilities, so that we can better understand Iran’s capabilities, stop a program currently designed to produce a nuclear weapon, and be better prepared to detect any covert activity. This deal does not take any military options off the table for the next president if Iran fails to live up to its end of the agreement. In fact, we will have better intelligence as a result of this deal should military action become unavoidable. But rejecting it and leaving only U.S. sanctions in place without the essential support of the international community will move us closer to military confrontation. Sanctions worked when the world community came together, choking off the Iranian economy. In a meeting earlier this week when I questioned the ambassadors of our P5+1 allies, it also became clear that if we reject this deal, going back to the negotiation table is not an option.

I have decided to support this deal after closely reading the agreement, participating in multiple classified briefings, questioning Energy Secretary Moniz and other officials, consulting independent arms control experts, and talking with many constituents who both support and oppose this deal. Here is why I believe this imperfect deal is worthy of Congressional approval:

First, Iran made essential concessions in the deal. After the failure of the 2004 Paris Agreement, Iran was defiant; it refused to negotiate seriously, it was uncooperative with international weapons inspectors, and it vowed never to cave to pressure and dismantle its nuclear production, which increased dramatically during the Bush years.

Now, Iran has signed on to a sufficiently verifiable and enforceable deal that cuts off all paths to a bomb and has its entire nuclear supply chain closely monitored for years to come. A deal like this, widely supported by independent nuclear arms control experts, was unimaginable just a few years ago.

Second, this deal will provide international nuclear inspectors with access that they otherwise would not have had – and never will have if we reject this agreement. We will begin robust worldwide monitoring of Iran’s nuclear supply chain – uranium production, plants that convert uranium into a centrifuge-ready gas, centrifuges, uranium stockpiles, and spent nuclear fuel that contains plutonium – and inspectors will retain the right to request access to suspicious sites forever.

Third, while I’m skeptical that Iran won’t try to deceive us and our partners in this agreement, we’ll be in a better position to catch those attempts due to the monitoring and verification mechanisms that this deal secures. If Iran pursues a nuclear weapon, international inspectors and intelligence operations will know faster than ever before. We will then be able to snap back all of the American and United Nations sanctions, even unilaterally, and all options – including military action – will be on the table.

Iran will still be disruptive in the Middle East and fund terrorist activities. This regime will continue to deny Israel’s right to exist, the Quds Force will still be listed as a terrorist organization, and Iran will continue to exacerbate tensions with our allies in the region. But Iran would be exponentially more dangerous to Israel and the entire region with a nuclear weapon.

Israel’s security and America’s national security interests are fundamentally aligned. Congress must continue its unwavering commitment to ensuring that Israel retains a qualitative military edge in the region – an effort I will continue to steadfastly support. I have not only consistently voted for Israel’s full foreign assistance package, but have also added funds for innovative and effective defense projects, such as Iron Dome. I will fight in Congress for a new Israel defense aid package, because we must continue to fund the new technologies of tomorrow that will keep families safe from conventional missile and terrorist attacks.

There are legitimate and serious concerns about this deal. For example, I would have liked to see a period shorter than 24 days to resolve disputes over access for inspectors. The U.N. embargoes on the sales of arms and ballistic weapons to Iran should have remained in place permanently, instead of lapsing after five and eight years. Hostages remain in Iranian custody. We will have to work hard to fight Iran’s malign efforts to wreak havoc in the region. While all of these issues are important, no issue matters more than ensuring that the Iranian regime does not have a nuclear weapon at its disposal.

If we reject this deal, we do not have a viable alternative for preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Without a deal, and without inspectors on the ground, we will be left in the dark as Iran resumes its pursuit of a nuclear weapon, with only months to go before it could enrich enough fissile material for a bomb. Without a deal, our options will be limited to insufficient unilateral sanctions, an invasion with yet another massive and costly land war in the Middle East, or a bombing campaign that offers nothing more than short-term gain under the best-case scenario.

Our goal has been, and remains, to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. We have far more ability to achieve that outcome if we approve this deal‎.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Senator:

    You are a political fool. You will conduct all the constituent meetings, then you’ll blindly follow the rhetoric and destructive policies of our worst ever president, Obama. You are undeserving of any voter support, and the only success I wish for you is unrelated to politics or public office. You are handing Iran the freedom, with your signature affixed, to develop nuclear weapons and to destroy Israel. You know it. It is bad enough that Iran is a dishonest regime of rabid Israel haters, who support terror at every opportunity, who lie incessantly, who have never lived up to a commitment, who have spelled out exactly what they want. Your leader, may he soon meet his well earned disgrace, has an anti-Israel agenda that has never made sense, except maybe to his mentor Jeremiah Wrong. Your following him makes you one of the Israel haters. I promise to never vote for you, and I hope millions of New Yorkers follow that example.

  2. What do you say now about that wasted trip to Washington by all the Agudah bigwigs?? Apparently, Agudah isn’t as influential as they want people to believe.

  3. she does not represent her ny citizens. her political loyalty to obama will be her demise in politics! wait until elections. new yorkers don’t forget.

  4. Senator Gillibrand, stop beating around the bush. Your excuses and “reasoning” are pathetic. You openly support clear case of genocide against Jewish People, no questions about that. And therefore, Senator Gillibrand, your name should be cursed and blotted out.

  5. Seems very well reasoned. Interested to see how those on the other side of the issue respond. To be noted that she’s on the Senate Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities and so is probably familiar with the background and overall picture surrounding this issue.

  6. It’s ok. She’ll hire Ezra Friedlander and co. and they will tell us we still must vote for her because of hakoras hatov or something. We have become so ridiculously easy to be manipulated.

  7. I agree with Circle
    We don’t seem to learn. Schumer will fall in line too and New Yorkers, Jews included will vote for hi

  8. I am not surprised by Senator Gillibrand. She is, after all, a rubber stamp for everything President Obama says and does. Just look at her record. More important is Senator Schumer, who claims that he is a “Shomer” (Kishmo Kein Hu). We will see if he has even one bone of courage or he is spineless and only looking to advance to a higher position of leadership in his party. Yes, Circle, Ezra Friedlander has his Legislative breakfasts, and beard, Rekkel or not, goes to the highest bidder. It is about time politicians realize that he is a great PR maven who represents no one.

  9. #3 ahavas yisroel:

    Incorrect. The last time around (in 2012) the joke of a Republican Party, put up Wendy Long to run against Gillibrand. Long was smashed in the biggest one sided loss in the history of NY, losing in 60 out of the 62 counties! There is NO Republican Party in the State of NY so Schumer & Gillibrand will remain in power until they die or decide to retire (unless Hillary demands her position back). The Dems don’t need the Jewish vote.

  10. Circle you got that right but remember there where Jews that defended hitler in the beginning to And they died. Unit how many will remember her vote or that of chuck Schumer His power and ego is more important then New Yorkers needs and wants

  11. To #6 por

    RE: “Seems very well reasoned”?
    I am sure anything can be “very well reasoned”, even shoving Jews into to the gas chambers.
    RE: “she’s on the Senate Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities and so is probably familiar with the background and overall picture surrounding this issue.” This makes her even evil and devious.

  12. Senator, What happens when Iran takes a page out of North Korea’s book and kicks out the inspectors. You know that’s going to happen. Then our fearless commander in chief will issue red lines and watch them get crossed one after the other like he has done so many times in the past.

  13. She was bought off. Let’s remember this when she runs again. How disgusting of her to betray her Jewish constituents.

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