CEO of Starbucks Quotes Hagon HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ZATZAL About Running In 2016

Screen-Shot-2015-08-06-at-7.41.37-PMThe Following is VIA

Amid speculation that he will be running for US president in the next election, CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, took to the New York Times to explain why he will not be running for president.

He talked about what he has learned about leadership as the CEO of an iconic company and lessons he has learned about humility from major figures such as the Pope and Lihavdil Elef Havdalos – Hagon HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ZATZAL.

This is what he had to say about the late Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva:

The speculation about my candidacy reminds me of a lesson from a great Jewish leader. A decade ago, I visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem with Nosson Tzvi Finkel, a widely respected rabbi in Israel. As we approached one of the holiest sites in Judaism, the rabbi halted about 10 yards away as a crowd of admirers gathered nearby. I beckoned him further.


2 Responses

  1. Before you get all giddy over the muschus, Howard Schmutz, go to and see what kind of upstanding Jew he is. With all the tumult surrounding the Gay pride parade in Yerushalayim, this lowlife shouldn’t be glorified or honored. Enough giving Kavod to people who spit in HKB”H face R”L!

  2. Never mind Schultz, the story of Reb Nosson Zvi is a good one. He was a real Godol Hador, who displayed incredible anivus. In his view, who was he to come so close to the Mokom Hashechinah?
    If only certain Israeli politicians thought about their creator that way and cared to acknowledge Him when telling the world how their country will defend themselves.
    Also note how he didn’t tell the others to stay back. He thought that only HE was unworthy of approaching the kosel!
    We miss him!

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