Jerusalem Pashkavilim For And Against Murderer Yishai Schlisel

schPashkavilim appeared in Yerushalayim on Wednesday, 20 Menachem Av, applauding and supporting the fatal stabbing attack carried out by Yishai Schlisel. The pashkavil said Schlisel was “MeKadesh Shem Shomayim” by murdering one teen and leaving five members of the toeiva community wounded.

Repulsed by the pashkavil, another appears on Thursday, 21 Menachem Av, stating unequivocally that the stabbing attack was an act of murder which is prohibited by the Torah. The header to the new pashkavil says “Jews Do Not Murder!” stating clearly the act committed the Jerusalem toeiva community parade must be condemned in the strongest possible way.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

22 Responses

  1. Of cousre what he did was right and correct, that is why this Friday night we are getting set up to throw large and dangerous rocks at moving cars on kvish echad, and on Sunday we will stab anyone with a smart phone and on Tuesday anyone who went to college will be beaten, Wednesday anyone who supports the IDF will be set on fire. Thursday andone who davens not in the main shul. And friday day anyone who leans and of rabbi kook seforim. Yes we are taking off monday to give a shiur in kanyim pogem ba.

  2. Of cousre what he did was right and correct, that is why this Friday night we are getting set up to throw large and dangerous rocks at moving cars on kvish echad, and on Sunday we will stab anyone with a smart phone and on Tuesday anyone who went to college will be beaten, Wednesday anyone who supports the IDF will be set on fire. Thursday anyone who davens not in the main shul will have his house set on fire. And friday day anyone who leans and of rabbi kook seforim will be put into a pit. Yes we are taking off monday to give a shiur in kanyim pogem ba.

  3. @1 I have no idea what you’re trying to say, all I know is that Jews who condone murder are so evil and twisted, it makes me tremble in pain and anger, Jews DO NOT murder PERIOD!

  4. what does that mean we don’t murder period. Ever hear of misas bes din? Shechita? Sotah? Ir Miklat? We do what G’d tells us in the appropriate time and place. Who says Jews never murder?

  5. I would hope to see an anti pashkvil, but you didn’t show any, all three pictures posted so far are all pro Yishai Schlisel?

  6. @Moshe1994 Junkfreesignup was being sarcastic.

    The pashkevilim supporting Schlisel do not represent the Charedi community, which, despite disagreement with the parade, overwhelmingly views the stabbing as murder and prohibited.

  7. Chilul shabos is worse the this. I am waiting to read from the bloggers against chilul shabos, because it is being violated by millions of israelis.

  8. @6 The definition of Murder: The unlawful premeditated killing of human being by another. Your point is erroneous.

  9. This whole argument is kind of pointless. The question is not if “jews murder people who sin” or not. The question is if we can compare what this guy did to the halacha of “kenayim pogim”. Which, if all of the criteria are met, is a big mitzvah even though it is murder. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like those criteria were met. The person that he killed was a girl who can’t even do the sin of “mishkav zachar”. So unless a case is made that he was fulfilling “kenayim pogim”, he is a murderer. The pashkavils were trying to say that he was doing just that, but again it would be hard to make such an argument.
    On the other hand #9 is right. Chilul Shabbos should make us squirm even more than murder. The punishment for murder is “sayif” and for chilul shabbos “skilah”. Everyone knows that skilah is worse.

  10. Yochy, do you know the difference between murdering and being put to death by a legitimate B”D? Murder is not condoned by the Torah except in self-defense against someone attempting to inflict serious physical injury (no, not for spiritual injury) B”D has the right and obligation to put to death and even they are limited in this. Do you know that the din if kanayim pog’m is not a heter except for someone who is using it completely lishma – which, it seems, would rule out someone who does so who is emotionally troubled or uses it to vent his own frustrations or psychological issues. This is not to say it is always wrong; obviously, there are times when it is appropriate. Just be careful not to so easily call such an act kanayim pog’im.

  11. Excuse me. The last time I read the Pinchas story, I read that he acted when two individuals were willingly engaged in an intimate act al pesach ohel moed. Please inform me what horrible act this young lady was engaged in when she was stabbed. If you will answer that she should not have been watching the toeva parade, I will declare that I might be the next stabbing victim of this nutcase. I could have been walking near that parade on the way to my Choshen Mishpat shiur. Would this modern day Pinchas have stabbed me because I was waiting to cross a street? Pinchas hakohain did not get a bris shalom and a parasha because he murdered a tinokes shel nishba who was watching a disgusting parade. Zimri and Cosbi were active participants in aveira, not observers. Would Pinchas have murdered Uncle Moshe Ch’V because he was watching the immoral act committed al pesach ohel moed? I don’t think so. One does not have to be frei to sick in the head. Hashem yiracheim.

  12. The problem with Pashkevilin is that they are so easy to put up, yet they seem authoritative. In reality, it is merely the voice of one sicko who is almost as twisted as Schlisel

  13. To #6, the key is the difference in meaning between the word “murder” and “kill”.

    While they obviously both involve someone who is no longer alive, the former always means a criminal act while the latter is more general and includes acts of beis din like you mention and war.

  14. #13 and #9

    If I’m not mistaken- murder is one of the “big 3” sins that is yeihareg ve’al ya’avor. Shabbos is not.

  15. akuperma says:
    August 6, 2015 at 2:41 pm
    Are there any gedolim endorsing Yishai Schlisel’s actions?

    are any gedolim condemning it?

  16. Jews don’t kill! Hashem told us don’t kill its in the Ten Commandments! So no one should support him because he went against the Torah. Even a 5 year old knows we can’t kill. So any one supporting him is going against the Torah. And if the parade was wrong he’s not b”d. That’s it

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