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Undercover NYPD Detective Gets 2 Years In Biker-SUV Melee

wbAn undercover New York City police detective convicted for his role in the assault of an SUV driver by motorcyclists on a highway has been sentenced to two years in jail.

Wojciech Braszczok was given the sentence Wednesday in state Supreme Court by Justice Maxwell Wiley, who convicted him earlier this year.

The 34-year-old detective was off duty when the 2013 attack on driver Alexian Lien (lee-EHN’) occurred. He testified he didn’t intervene because he feared for his safety. He said he didn’t intend to hurt Lien and fled.

Prosecutors used helmet camera footage of the bikers chasing after Lien and swarming his SUV to identify suspects. They say Lien ran over a motorcyclist before he was pulled from his Range Rover and beaten.

Eleven men were indicted in the confrontation.


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