ALERT – NY State Police ‘Speed-Week Crackdown’ Starts Today

nyspnThe New York State Police will conduct a week-long enforcement initiative to crack down on speeding and aggressive drivers across the state. The Speed Week campaign runs today through August 11.

New York State Police Superintendent Joseph A. D’Amico said, “Our goal during this campaign and our year round enforcement efforts is to get dangerous drivers off New York’s roads. Obeying the speed limit and driving defensively will reduce the number of fatal accidents and increase safety for everyone on the highway.”

Speeding is listed as a contributing factor in nearly one third of all fatal crashes in New York State. In 2013, 352 people were killed and nearly 19,000 injured in speed related crashes statewide.

During this summer’s “Speed Week”, Troopers will be using both marked State Police vehicles and Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement (CITE) vehicles as part of the operation. The CITE vehicles allow Troopers to more easily identify motorists who are violating laws while driving. These vehicles blend in with every day traffic but are unmistakable as emergency vehicles once the emergency lighting is activated.

Troopers will also be watching for other traffic violations, including distracted or impaired drivers, vehicle occupants who are not properly buckled up, and drivers that are violating New York’s Move Over law.

During the August 2014 Speed Week campaign, State Police issued more than 22,000 traffic tickets. More than 10,000 of the tickets were for speeding, and more than 600 were for violations of the Move Over law.

Tickets issued

Funding for the Speed Week initiative is provided through a grant from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee.

The fines for speeding on 55 mph highway or posted 65 mph zones are as follows:

10 mph or less over the limit – min $45/max $150
11- 30 mph over the limit – min $90/max $300
31 mph or more over the limit – min $180/max $600

Second Conviction
10 mph or less over the limit – min $45/max $300
11 – 30 over the limit – min $90 /max $450
31 or more over the limit – min $180/max $750

Third Conviction
10 mph or less over the limit – min $45/max $525
11 – 30 over the limit – min $90 /max $675
31 or more over the limit – min $180/max $975

Court Surcharges are as follows:
Town or village courts – $93
Other Courts (city traffic courts, etc.) – $88

Violation Point Structure:
1-10 mph over limit = 3 points
11-20 mph over limit = 4 points
21 – 30 mph over limit = 6 points
30 – 40 mph over limit = 8 points
More than 40 mph over limit = 11 points (triggers suspension)

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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