Lapid Takes Part in Tefilla Event Following Murder of Arab Infant in Duma Arson Attack

lapidYesh Atid opposition party leader MK Yair Lapid on Monday evening 17 Menachem Av took part in a tefilla event following the murder of an Arab infant in an arson attack believed to have been perpetrated by Jews in the PA (Palestinian Authority) village of Duma. It is stressed that the investigation is still ongoing, and police have not ruled out the possibility that the attack was not committed by “settlers” as claimed by eyewitnesses in the PA village. Lapid stated “We came to give kovod to HKBH”.

The event was a sort of protest tefilla event following that murderous act, which left a child dead and three others badly burned. Dozens of rabbonim from the dati leumi community took part in the event in Gush Etzion, with all of them speaking out harshly to condemn the murder and expressing their hope those responsible are apprehended and brought to justice.

Lapid added “There is no God; not an Arab, not Jewish or Christian that permits murdering infants, not Muhmad Abu-Khadir, not Shalhevet Pas, not Ali Darawshe, and not the Fogel family – there is no God like this”.

“The big fight in Israel is not between the left-wing and right wing but the big war is between the sane and the fringe elements and we will win this war in the merit of our ability to unite and stand firm in the face of evil. This is the ultimate evil, burning an infant and we will not remain silent and we will not permit this to pass. We state from this place, Gush Etzion, this is not our god, as God does not permit burning infants”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. “We came to give kovod to HKBH”
    Who’s that?
    “There is no God”
    Now that’s more like it. Sounds like you.

    Where were you when Jews were being slaughtered?

  2. הרמב”ן: במלחמת נקמה מחסלים אנשים נשים וטף

    וַיְדַבֵּר מֹשֶׁה אֶל הָעָם לֵאמֹר: הֵחָלְצוּ מֵאִתְּכֶם אֲנָשִׁים לַצָּבָא, וְיִהְיוּ עַל מִדְיָן, לָתֵת נִקְמַת יְ-הוָה בְּמִדְיָן:

    משה לא צוה אותם מה יעשו, רק אמר להם לתת נקמת ה’ במדין. וחשב [סבר – י’] שלא ישאירו בהם שריד ופליט. כנקמת עמלק. או כנקמת שבעה עממים.

    וכאשר ראה שהשאירו הנשים והטף והבהמה, קצף על הנשים היודעות משכב זכר, כי ראוי לפקודי החיל להורגן תחלת כל דבר, גם לנקמה, גם לדין התורה ואת הבהמה תהרוגו (ויקרא כ טו). וכיון שראה שהעם חפץ לשלול, מחל על הטף בנשים, ועל השלל.

    ויתכן עוד שנאמר, כי משה נצטוה צרור את המדינים (לעיל כה יז) ונקום נקמת בני ישראל (לפנינו פסוק ב), ושלח שם מועטים להכות בערי הפרזי וכל עץ טוב להפיל וכל מעין מים לסתום וכל חלקה טובה להכאיב באבנים כמנהג השוללים, ולא צוה להם דבר רק להנקם כאשר תמצא ידם, והש”י אשר לו המלחמות נתן מדין ומלכיהם ועריהם בידם. ועל כן קצף על הנשים היודעות משכב זכר לא דבר אחר, וצוה בטף הזכרים לנקמה:
    רמב”ן, פרשת מטות.

    לתשומת לב המרחמים על האכזרים.

  3. When I read “We came to give kovod to HKBH”. I did a double-take. This is Yair Lapid…Tommy Lapid’s son. It can’t be. My first impression is this a “hirhur teshuva”? But then I re-read the article. Either he wants to show his frumkeit (krumkeit) in the case of an arab child (chas v’sholom if it was Rachmona Letzlan a charedi child) or he is trying to re-invent himself for the electorate after losing bigtime. Don’t be fooled. Lapid has his sinas frumkeit b’yerusha.

  4. #5:

    Will you go to the girl murdered by one of us by the gay pride parade family and apologize, or will you condemn those that do.

    A family is grieving, their baby dead, killed by a frum jewish murderer, and you have the gall to condemn someone saying sorry to the family.

    It is mentality like that that allows the arab to kill, he too sees his life hindered by the israeli and justifies his actions, in his mind the life of the individual is insignificant and disposable compared to my agenda. If we can not say sorry to a family for their loss we caused, because arabs are bad in your mind, then you are only somewhat better then the arab that condemn his brothers killing of jews because his agenda.

  5. “believed to have been perpetrated by Jews”

    maybe it was perpetrated by Arabs? Arabs do kill each other for many different reasons.

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