Success in School Starts With … Artscroll’s Chinuch Series!


You may be sitting poolside or hiking in the Rockies, but, incredibly, it’s also time to start thinking back-to-school. With input from a large number of educators, ArtScroll’s Chinuch books were designed to help your children get the most out of the coming school year:

Siddur Chinuch Chaim Shlomo: Designed for the younger grades in consultation with scores of principals and teachers, this Siddur has over 200,000 copies in print. It features large, clear type; library reinforced binding; numbered lines; simplified instructions in English; wide spaces between lines; prayers for Shabbos and Yamim Tovim, Torah readings for weekdays, fast days and Festivals; and more. The siddur is designed to enhance the davening for children for many, many years (and adults like it too!). Available in Nusach Ashkenaz and Sefard.

Chumash Chinuch Tiferes Micha’el: With input from over one hundred teachers, principals, and reading specialists, this is the Chumash created entirely with the student in mind. The fonts and spacing are easy for young readers to follow. Every page has a heading clearly listing the perek and pesukim. The divrei ha’maschil (headings) of every Rashi stand out in large, bold font. Two versions are available; one has Rashi with nikkud and the other Rashi without nikkud. Close to 200 full-color pages of charts, tables, diagrams, and illustrations add still another vital chinuch dimension. The appendix of each volume repeats the complete text of the Sefer, visually indicating the shoresh (root) and binyan (grammatical structure) of each word, as well as a list of roshei teivos (abbreviations) used in Rashi. The Chumash Chinuch includes Targum Onkelos, Baal HaTurim, and Ikkar Sifsei Chachamim. Each haftarah includes Rashi, Metzudas David, and Metzudas Zion and features an introduction explaining its connection to the parashah or Yom Tov. You have to see this Chumash to truly appreciate it!

The Scharf/Diamond Edition Tehillim — Chinuch Rinas Eliyahu: Children can discover and appreciate David HaMelech’s eternal words in Tehillim Chinuch Rinas Eliyahu, which shares the same kid-friendly graphics and features as the Siddur Chinuch Chaim Shlomo. In addition, every kapitel of Tehillim has an introduction by Rabbi Nosson Scherman, written in simple, readable English, to help young people get the most out of the Tehillim.

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