PM Netanyahu Visits Victim of Toeiva ‘Pride Parade’ Stabbing Attack in the Hospital

20150731022901Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on erev Shabbos Nachamu traveled to Shaare Zedek Medical Center to visit with Yarden Noy, who was stabbed in the Toeiva ‘Pride Parade’ last week by Yishai Schlisel, who is in custody.

Mr. Netanyahu said, “Everyone has the right to live in peace in Israel and we will defend that right.” The prime minister also told him that a comprehensive inquiry is being held as to how the man who perpetrated a similar crime ten years ago could have had access to the event.

Shaare Zedek Deputy Director Dr. Ofer Marin updated Prime Minister Netanyahu on Noy’s progress and said that he is due to be released in the coming days.

Mr. Netanyahu, on behalf of the citizens of Israel, sent his wishes for a quick recovery to Noy and the young woman who was severely wounded and is hospitalized at Hadassah Ein Kerem.

At the start of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, 17 Menachem Av, Mr. Netanyahu added “We recently witnessed two abhorrent crimes. Our policy toward these crimes is zero tolerance. I have instructed security and law-enforcement officials to use all legal means at their disposal to apprehend the murderers and deal with the stabber and the arsonists to the fullest extent of the law. We are determined to vigorously fight manifestations of hate, fanaticism and terrorism from whatever side. The fight against these phenomena unites us all. This is not a struggle by this or that faction. This is a matter of basic humanity and is at the foundation of our enlightened Jewish values.

“I remember as a child, when I would visit on Shabbat the home of my father’s great teacher, Professor Joseph Klausner, among the Jewish People’s greatest historians in the modern era, over his door were etched two words: ‘Judaism’ and ‘humanity’. They are combined and are mutually supportive. This is what distinguishes us from our neighbors. We deplore and condemn these murderers. We will pursue them to the end. They name public squares after the murderers of children. This distinction cannot be blurred or covered up. It is important to say this even as we utter our condemnations and unite against the criminals among our people.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I never read a more stupid bunch of comments. Yes, it may be a Toeva Parade…BUT…Dinei Nefashos is not given over to individuals to judge. Unfortunately, One person was actually murdered by this deranged individual. We can protest Toeva, but absolutely no one has a right to harm an individual. Look in the Gemarah how much care has to be taken before a Sanhedrin (or Bais Din of 23)actual made a dinei nefashos psak. Any individual who takes it upon himself to paskin is a rasha and murderer and should be treated as such

  2. I am sending this letter as an e-mail to the PM, maybe other Israeli citizens will wish to also respectfully address him.

    To the PM with respect,

    Jerusalem is a special city that is the essence of peace, which is in it’s name.
    It is a symbol of the good will of brothers.
    In order for that good will to be demonstrated there needs to be tolerance and respect.
    People marching in a parade that promotes the violation of one of the three mitzvahs, that we must die for rather than violate, is an act of huge intolerance and huge disrespect for the values of Judaism.
    Of course, serious violence and attempted murder are an even greater affront to the holiness of Jerusalem.
    It is in this vein of respect and tolerance that I feel the sensibilities and values of Judaism will be most upheld if the cause of this affront to tolerance is removed. There should be no more provocative marches in the holy city of Jerusalem.
    Why, should the government take such care not to offend the Muslim population with respect to the Temple Mount, yet show such callous behavior to the religious people of Jerusalem?
    No more provocation is called for.

    There is another agenda that I feel is being put forward here.
    It starts with “gay pride” parades and it leads to a removal of all things sacred from the public eye.
    It is slow, but insidious, and it’s happened in America.
    Is this the vision your parents and your wife’s parents had for Israel?
    This is not the vision of an Israel that has a right to the Eretz HaKadosh or the Hasgacha Pratis of HaShem.
    Israel is special and needs special respect for the traditions of it’s people.
    True, we need tolerance, but that also should be stressed to those who wish to express their opinions. In some places, like Jerusalem, people can show respect and limit their expression.
    Let’s see the discouragement of this behavior and the protection of all citizens by the government making some minimal limits.
    HaShem should guide you.

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