Poll: Trump Commands Lead Over GOP 2016 Rivals

trumpBusinessman Donald Trump continues to lead the large field of Republican presidential candidates but would lose to all three three big-name Democrats in a race for the White House, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday.

Gov. Chris Christie, meanwhile, is in 10th place with 3 percent support from Republican primary votes.

Trump leads the 17-deep GOP field with 20 percent. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is second with 13 percent, followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, with 10 percent.
No other 2016 Republican tops 6 percent; 12 percent remain undecided.

As popular as he’s become, Trump also remains a polarizing figure nationally, with 30 percent of Republican voters saying they would “definitely not” support him – twice as many as those who say they could never back Christie (15 percent) or Bush (14 percent).


7 Responses

  1. Wake up Republicans no matter who the candidate, not supporting the candidate will ensure Hillary’s election. Nominate Bush will also ensure Hillary’s election Just remember it was the Republican establishment that nominated losers McCain and Romney. Learn from your mistakes

  2. Trump is the worst candidate possible. Hillary is way better! He shoots from the hip, and will make America a laughingstock. The clown has zero chance of winning.

  3. 20% for Trump, 80% against Trump.

    Given that Trump’s positions are radically different that the other candidates, I’ld suggest Trump has a long way to go. It appears that most of the Tea Party, Religious Right, and Country Club groups all support someone else. The poll shold ask, if it comes down to these two, which would you support – and I doubt Trump would be getting much more than the 20% he has now.

  4. If trump wins the primary, all the republicans will support him. The feud between Hilary and Obama was the same. In the end all the Hilary supporters went to Obama.

  5. To #6:

    The principled party, my party, the GOP should NOT a support a candidate who advocated for single payer socialized medicine and crippling import tariffs.

    Even HRC is in favor of free trade and not for single-payer medical care.

    And I don’t believe that the GOP is ready for someone has been married 3 or 4 times (each time with a super-model), bankrupted his businesses 4 times and promises (“this is HUGE”) to prove that Obama was born in Kenya.

    HRC is more a Republican than T-Rump!

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