Kallah Arrested on Her Wedding Day on Har Habayis Seen Uttering a Tefilla

hhaA kallah was arrested on Har Habayis on Thursday morning 14 Menachem Av, hours ahead of her chasenah, after police determined her lips were moving, possibly reciting a tefilla. Honenu intervened, lamenting the fact police would arrest a bride on the day of her wedding.

Following Honenu’s intervention, the kallah was released from police custody 90 minutes later.

It was a difficult morning on Har Habayis as a group of Jews came to visit and Arabs began pushing police from a Yassam commando force. When a member of the force responded, a colleague instructed him to stop, leading to an argument between police. The officer could be seen walking off Har Habayis, throwing his outer vest to the ground in anger after being rebuked for responding to the Arab shoving. A number of officers approached the angered Yassam policeman in an effort to calm him.

It is added that Gedolei Yisrael throughout the generations have ruled one may not visit Har Habayis. This is the ruling of Gedolei Yisrael today as well, in addition to being the position of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. “lamenting the fact police would arrest a bride on the day of her wedding.”

    If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.

  2. arrested for saying a prayer to G-d on Har HaBayit?

    who is wrong? the challah? or the state and its police?

    I think the state and the police are smelling bad here!

  3. I’m proud of the police man who took his courage to step down from har habajis, at least still a few real policeman’s, we are standing with you you are not alone, we are proud from you!!!!

  4. Reply to by dlkanoi:

    It says in Mishlei (9:17), “Stolen waters are sweet.” Rashi (Sotah 7a “ginuvim”) explains this to mean that a man naturally desires and pursues that which is forbidden to him.

    When our Gedolim ban things, people find more of a need to ignore their words and do as they please.

    You see this when Achashveirosh invited the Jews to his feast. As the Medrash states, “Mordechai arose and made an announcement for [the Jews] saying to them, ‘Do not go to eat at the feast of Achashveirosh…’ But [the Jews] did not listen to Mordechai’s words and they all went to the feast hall…” (Esther Rabbah 7:13)

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